𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨.

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𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐩.
𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I watched as Scarlett bossed everyone around like the slight control freak she is. We were just about finished setting up my backyard for the baby shower. Our baby boy is almost here and we couldn't be more excited.

Scarlett and I had decided to buy a house together instead of splitting our time in our separate houses. Plus, she wanted to sell the other house because she once shared it with my dad and feels this is a new step. She also called my house a "playboy bachelor-esque" type of house and didn't feel like it was family friendly so, luckily, I have a friend that wants to buy it.

This was our last event here, most of my stuff was organized and ready to be packed up for the new house we bought. They're putting a few finishing touches on it so, it's not quite ready to move into yet but will be in a few days. Our main goal is to get our son's room set up as soon as possible. I love this new chapter Scarlett and I have started to write together. So far, everything been great.

We did have to explain to Cosmo and Rose what this thing is though. Scarlett and I were getting tired of sneaking around around them and Rose likes to google Scarlett so, that didn't really work out too well for us.


"Okay wait- we need a game plan." I said to Scarlett as we looked at Rose and Cosmo watching tv from the kitchen. "Y/n, we're just telling them we're in a relationship." Scarlett whispered. "Exactly, up until this point you were pretty much like my step mom and this kind of complicates things more for Cosmo rather than Rose-"

"Shit." Scarlett ran a hand through her hair and turned back to face me. "What if we just don't tell them." She joked. "Yeah no, so some kid can tell them when they're in school and blow up their world? No thank you."

"Okay well you start it off." Scarlett says throwing me into the fire. "Uh no, they're your kids." I laughed. "Look, let's just go in there and rip the bandaid off. It's not like Cosmo will fully understand anyway, it's mainly Rose and she and I aren't related anyway so it's not that weird for her." I said trying to make things seem easier.

Scarlett and I started walking into the living room where the kids were laughing at the cartoons they were watching before Scarlett grabbed their attention and paused the show. "Hey guys, I need to talk to you." Scarlett said as Cosmo and Rose turned their attention to her. "So, I know a lot of change has been happening recently and I wanted to explain."

"Are we moving again?" Rose asked. "No- well yes, but we're moving here permanently." Scarlett answered before looking at me. "Is daddy coming?" Cosmo asked which made me feel guilty. "So, Cos, daddy and I have decided to live in two different places but, that doesn't change anything, you'll still see him okay?"

"But he's not here."

"I know that, but, you're gonna go spend some time with him soon, I promise."

"Are you coming too?"

"No, um, daddy and I had a disagreement- remember I told you about disagreements? We decided it'd be best to separate and stay apart." Cosmo just looked at Scarlett and I knew he wasn't really picking up what she was saying. "Mommy and your daddy aren't going to be together anymore." Rose said and Cosmo was still slightly confused which is normal for his age, he has no idea what relationships really mean. "Look, Cos, what matters is I will always be your mommy and your daddy will always be your daddy and we love you more than anything, no matter if we're together or apart." Cosmo nodded in response before Scarlett looked at me.

Not her wanting me to do this portion. "So I know Cos won't really understand but, Rose, um- Scarlett and I are-"

"Dating." Rose said cutting me off. Scarlett's eyes bulged out of her head as she looked at Rose incredulously. "I saw it on TMZ mommy." Scarlett looked like she was about to pass out. "And you're okay with it?" I asked trying not to press too much. "As long as mommy is happy." Scarlett started fanning her eyes. "Sorry, hormones but yes, I'm happier than ever." she said as she pulled Rose into her arms placing a kiss on her head.

"Well since that cat's out the bag, that baby boy in there is our child and we know it'll get a tad bit confusing but, Cos, Rose, he's your brother. That's what matters." Scarlett said, she decided not to confuse anyone further and just call our son their brother, which is what he is to Rose but, he'd also be Cosmo's nephew- that's not important at the moment.

End of Flashback...

Guests started to arrive with gifts in hand as Scarlett and I went to the bedroom to get dressed. We decided to color coordinate with blue. "You know, I think they can wait for us to come out." I said as I stood behind Scarlett. I wrapped my arms around her from behind as she blushed. "No, there's too many people here for us to do anything inappropriate, keep it PG babe." Scarlett turned around placing a kiss on my cheek before she opened my bedroom door and headed out with me in tow.

We got to mingle with everyone and were overwhelmed with the amount of gifts that came in. "I think Y/n will appreciate the first gift." Chris said as Scarlett and I sat down to open gifts. I opened the bag and pulled out a football helmet, a mini football, and my teams jersey with "Johansson-Huxley" on the back. "Oh hell yeah!" I exclaimed as I hugged Chris and thanked him.

We continued on with the rest of everyone gifts as the afternoon dragged on. The kids were having a blast playing with all of the other kids at the party, Y/n and I had to start transporting all the gifts to the new house which took Chris's truck, one of Y/n's trucks, and my car to get everything there.

We ended up back at my house to clean up. Scarlett and I went into my bedroom after finishing up for the night. She laid in my bed, her belly exposed as I rubbed it, placing kisses all over. "I can't wait for you to get here little nugget. You're going to be the best football to ever step foot on a field."

"Uhh no, he'll most likely want to be an actor, stop trying to get him into football."

"Scar, come on, he's totally playing football." Scarlett laughed and shook her head as we laid together. We laid in silence as Scarlett cuddled into my body. "I love you." she whispered as I held onto her. "I love you more."

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤 | 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now