Chapter One

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A/N: This is several years after the Prologue

 The French Empire needed allies. Desperately. She may have gotten into a little war with the British Empire, who had way more allies than her. Thankfully, she knew just who to ask. She just hoped that she wouldn't be too late.

She found the Austrian Empire sitting with Prussia, watching fish swim in a pond. As usual, FE (French Empire) thought. Prussia is the only one he spends time with.

"Hey Prussia, do you mind leaving for a bit, I need to speak with the Austrian Empire for a moment." France said, approaching the two. 

"But I need to translate for AE. He can only use sign language." Prussia also looked suspicious, but didn't add anything else. AE watched FE (French Empire) curiously, while also nervously adjusting his gloves, which were frozen solid into gold.

"I know enough of it, we should be fine." FE assured him.

It's okay! I'll be okay. AE signed.

If she tries anything, I'll beat her up. Prussia signed back, then, after a glare at France, he left.

"Alright, I need a favour from you." She got right to the point.

What is it? AE asked.

"I want you to join my side in my war with Britain."

I'm already on his side. With Prussia. I'm sorry, but I can't join your side.

"I can give you anything that you want."

I have all the money I need, and you can't get my father back.

"That's debatable, but I wasn't talking about that. Don't think no one's noticed that your only friend is Prussia. It's quite sad, honestly. I already have someone like you in my alliance. Why not join me?" France promised. AE looked torn. "You won't have to kill your friend or anything, most wars don't go that far. You'll gain two new friends as well! Perhaps more if I can convince the Spanish Empire too. It's a win-win! Why not change things up?"

The Austrian Empire stared at the fish swimming by for a long moment, looking unsure.

"I'll throw in an extra pair of gloves that actually move despite you touching them!" She gestured to the solid gold gloves that were currently on his hands, limiting his movement. She had never seen him without them on, even though they must have been very annoying to wear. FE wasn't complaining if it stopped more countryhumans from turning to gold.

Alright... I'm convinced. AE seemed to sigh.

"Wonderful! We'll have a great time together. Come, I'll introduce you to my grandson!" FE said, making sure to grab his hand as she stood up, to make it look like she trusted him.

She didn't, of course. Inside, she was terrified that his glove might slip off, and she would become a statue. That would be a sad way to go. No, she would likely never trust him, but AE wouldn't know that.

Prussia intercepted them as they were about to leave. "Where are you going?" He demanded, looking towards FE.

I'm joining her Alliance against Britain. I'm sorry. The Austrian Empire signed, looking down.

"What?" Prussia said, betrayal cast upon his expression. 

"Come on AE, we wouldn't want to leave Canada waiting!" France said, dragging AE away. They left Prussia standing there, frozen in shock as if he were a statue. 

(563 words)

Action! Yay! And betrayal! Poor Prussia though. 

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