Chapter Thirty

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The ice cracked as the Swedish Empire fell to the floor. Then the ice fell all together, the whole area seeming to tremble as rubble came falling down. 

But SWE was unaware of all of it. He simply stared at the blood on his fingers and wondered how much time he had left. He still had so much he wanted to do. So much he wanted to see. He couldn't die now. 

He didn't notice as Bulgaria raised his sword above his head, ready to finish him off. He didn't see the Ottoman Empire speeding over to push Bulgaria aside. He didn't know that Bulgaria had landed on a sword, which now stuck through his chest. 

He was unaware of it all.

Bulgaria had been winning. He had ROE on the ground in front of him as he held a sword to his throat. But then something happened. 

The area around him started crumbling. Bulgaria looked around as the red ground started to crack open, threatening to swallow him whole. 

Just kill him and get on with it. He told himself. But ROE was gone. He was suddenly transported back to the physical world, where he was met with pain. And blood. Everywhere. 

The tip of a sword stuck out from his chest. He tried to scream. He couldn't hear it. His vision was going black. Bulgaria tried to teleport away. But all he could do was watch as the life poured out of his body. And watch everyone be concerned with SWE. But nobody was looking at him. 

He died alone.

OE kneeled down beside SWE, his eyes locking with the blue and yellow country's eye. "Are you alright?" OE asked. SWE didn't seem to hear him. Ice cracked and thudded down beside them.

"Yes... no... I don't know." SWE said as OE held his trembling hands.

"You've survived once, right? You can do it again!"

"But what if I don't! I don't want to die, OE!" As SWE said that, his eye grew wide with fear. "No... I see her!"

"See who?!"

"Death! He's come for me. Please... don't let them take me."

"It's okay... I won't let them." OE hugged his friend. But he couldn't keep that promise. The blood grew cold. His body grew limp. His eye closed. His breathing stopped. And all OE could do was weep, powerless.

OE prayed for SWE to open his eye again, to get up and scream "I'M ALIVE!" but it didn't happen.

You could only cheat death once.

The Russian Empire was alive. Okay, the spike that went through his chest hurt, but he didn't die. He felt fine. 

He used his imagination to float himself off of the spike, and turned to face his enemy. ROE looked shocked, probably not expecting him to live through that. 

RE smirked, feeling powerful for once. While ROE was busy gaping, RE visualised branches wrapping around ROE. Then, he chopped off his head. 

The Russian Empire came back to the physical world to find a sword at his throat. The Roman Empire's sword. That was when he remembered he wasn't invincible there.


Prussia finally managed to push aside the last of the debris, and took a deep breath of air. "We made it out, Canada!" He called down the hole he had made. "You can-" He broke off as he spotted someone in the distance. 

The Russian Empire. With a sword pointed at his neck. Prussia took off into the air, pumping his wings. He had to make it before–

The Roman Empire slit his friend's throat. "NO!" Prussia screamed, landing beside his fallen comrade. Blood slick as velvet ran down the rocks like a mini, twisted waterfall. Red on white. 

Prussia turned and tried to stab ROE, but the older country deflected it, grinning sadistically. Prussia hoped that when he died, it would be painful for the red country. 

He looked behind him at RE, whose eyes flickered in recognition. Or maybe it was Prussia's imagination, for his eyes went dead seconds later. 

As Prussia focused back on the battle, his sword a blur, a brown branch wrapped around his body, halting his movements. But... but that was RE's power. And RE was... dead. So who was doing it?

ROE looked in awe at the branch as Prussia twitched and struggled. Was it... him?

The Austrian Empire found a broken window half hidden by rubble and hopped out, calling for the others to get out that way. OE was weeping over SWE's body, BE was fighting SE, who was mind controlled. GE and A-H were also mind controlled. PE was protecting DE from them, who were struggling to keep the force field up. And Bulgaria was...

Sounds of fighting above AE distracted him. He climbed on top of the rubble and stared in shock at the sight before him. RE was dead. HRE was being mind controlled. And Prussia was being held up by a branch that only RE could have made. 

But ROE seemed to be the one controlling it.

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See you all next week ^^

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