Chapter Six

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Prussia flew over the fields until he found who he was looking for. "AE." He greeted the Austrian Empire coldly as he landed.

Prussia. AE signed.

"You told me," the older country hissed, "that we would stick together no matter what!"

I changed my mind. Why can't I think for myself for once?

"What did she promise you? A pair of fancy gloves?" Prussia guestered to AE's hands.

Someone like me. You'd never understand.

"I think I understand more than anyone! I was there that first day, when you killed your father. I was there the day you killed the Roman Empire. I. Was. There for you! And then you just leave me like that, for someone you don't even know!"

You've just been using me this entire time! Every side you join, I have to join too, and then your enemies will simply surrender. Don't think I haven't noticed.

"Because you waste your powers! You barely know how to use them, and keep them contained all the time."

Maybe I will use them. AE narrowed his eyes. But not before Prussia glimpsed them gleaming gold. He began to slip off his gloves and left them on the grass, walking closer and closer to his friend.

That wasn't good. There was murder in his stance.

"We can talk about this!" Prussia said nervously, backing up. He just wasn't himself, right? Perhaps Prussia could shake him out of this, even if it meant losing his other hand to the gold. He would do it for the Austrian Empire. "We don't have to get murderous!"

His younger friend didn't respond, getting even closer. Okay that was it, Prussia was running. He took off on his black wings, then flew in circles around AE.

The black and gold Empire grabbed his bow from his back, and nocked an arrow to it. Alright, an arrow wasn't too bad. Prussia was pretty fast, and he could shoot bolts of darkness at AE to pin him down. Then they would talk.

But the arrow was still in the process of turning gold when AE let it loose. And if it was still turning gold, it would spread until his power was used up.

As Prussia was pondering that fact, he realised the arrow was still flying towards him. And he was too late to get out of the way.

It struck him in the chest.

In almost slow motion, Prussia started to fall. The gold spread to his wings first, shattering the dark strands of power that held the country in the air. Then it spread to his arms, which froze in an outstretched position reaching to the sky. His legs froze, his fingers couldn't move, his neck was gold. Everything gold.

Out of the corner of his tear streaked eye, he spotted the Austrian Empire staring at him with a horrified expression

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Out of the corner of his tear streaked eye, he spotted the Austrian Empire staring at him with a horrified expression. His son was behind him, sprinting towards the falling figure.

I forgive you. Prussia thought to AE. He knew it was just an accident. It wasn't his fault. Prussia only wished he could be with his best friend for whatever happened next.

And then his body was gold.

The Austrian Empire had seen the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth lurking around earlier that day, which often meant that something historical would happen. PLC could travel through time, so countries took him as a warning. But he ignored it. And he paid the consequences for it.

His best friend was dead. And it was his fault. Again.

"DAD! NO!" The German Empire screamed.

Something had taken control of him. Or had it? Maybe the Austrian Empire was searching for an excuse. But he remembered the fear and trapped feeling as he watched–from eyes that weren't his own–his best friend die. He knew that feeling from somewhere...

He felt like touching his face like that day HRE died. But he imagined Prussia gripping his hand and yelling "STOP!", so he didn't. But how lovely would it be to become a gold statue and not worry about facing the people who loved Prussia.

"What have you done?! What did you do to him?!" Prussia's son cried, facing him.

I didn't mean to! AE signed, his hands trembling so hard he could barely finish the action. Something was controlling me, I didn't do it!

"Is that your excuse these days?" GE pointed a finger at his face. "You've killed so many people, and that's the best you can come up with?"

I'm sorry. You're right, it is my fault. If I had never joined France's side, Prussia would still be alive. AE looked down. I'm a monster.

"Dad? GE? Prussia? Are you guys okay?!" Austria-Hungary's worried voice came from behind them.

"AE and I are okay. I wouldn't say the same for..." GE trailed off.

"What happened?!" A-H asked.

I killed Prussia... The Austrian Empire signed.

"AE killed Prussia. Turned him into gold. Just like HRE and just like the Roman Empire." GE spat, translating to the blind country and adding in a few extra details.

"It's okay, dad. It wasn't your fault." A-H reached out to hug AE, but missed, due to not being able to see. "Sorry, I can't really see you, where are you?"

"Here." AE said after putting on his gloves. He felt he didn't really deserve a hug at the moment, but he also needed it.

The hug went on for so long, Austria's heart skipped a beat for a second. He was reminded of the day he turned HRE to gold. But then A-H felt AE freeze, and shifted, easing their father's fear.

"Prussia?" A voice called. Oh no... AE thought. That was the French Empire.

"What the hell did you do, AE?!" BE came into view over the hill, staring in horror.

"It wasn't his fault!" A-H defended him.

"Yeah!" GE joined in, surprising AE.

As more and more countries saw the sight, the Austrian Empire knew it could only get worse from here. 

(976 Words)

Even more trauma! >:D

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