Chapter Seven

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A few years later 

The Russian Empire felt sorry for the Austrian Empire. The rest of them (besides REC) had amazing powers that could be controlled. But AE never had that choice. Everyone he touched turned to gold. And he couldn't change that.

Plus, when RE spent time with Prussia and his friend, the dangerous country was actually quite nice and fun to be around.

So RE felt obliged to tell him about the assassination being planned on him.

The Russian Empire arrived at a large, grey castle. He'd been invited to SE's castle for a special meeting.

Apparently, the Portuguese Empire had been invited too, as he arrived the same time Russia did.

"Hey, do you know what this meeting is about?" RE asked him.

"Nice to see you too, Russia, so glad you asked how I was doing after not seeing each other for so long!" PE rolled his eyes. "I know about as much as you." He switched back to the topic.

"Sorry. Just a bit anxious. You know, this could just be a master plot to get us all into one place and remove their greatest enemies." RE pointed out.

"Jeez, that'd be a worse welcome than you gave me." PE snorted. "I just hope they have coffee."

They walked into the castle together. It had changed a lot since the last time Russia had been there. For one thing, the Spanish Empire seemed to have removed all the gold. All that was left was grey, white and red. Fair enough after the three incidents with AE.

There were also a lot of paintings of SE. With how many portraits there were, RE was surprised he had time for a meeting in between all that posing.

The two empires finally got to the meeting room, where there were a lot more countries than RE realised there would be. There was the French, British, Spanish, Swedish, Ottoman and Dutch Empire, as well as REC and America.

"You're both the last ones to arrive. Have a seat." The French Empire said, guestering to the two open seats in between the Spanish Empire and the Dutch Empire.

"Alright, I'll begin by saying the Austrian Empire has gone too far." SE commenced, his voice sounding raspier than the last time RE heard it. "He has killed three people, all of which he claims are 'accidents'. I don't believe him. He and Prussia were the only ones around for the death of the Holy Roman Empire, and the Roman Empire. Then he killed Prussia, and the only one who saw that was the German Empire, Prussia's son. I believe this is all a scheme, and AE wants to kill everyone, using Prussia and his son to defend him."

RE furrowed his brow at all the information being thrown at him. This was quite the odd friendly reunion. AE couldn't be like that, could he? Russia highly doubted it.

"How did you... come to that conclusion?" RE asked, trying not to be rude.

"Well it's obvious that he's evil." Spain said, as if that was a perfectly reasonable explanation. Russia decided to nod his head as if he understood everything–which he didn't–and let the leaders of the meeting keep explaining.

"So we've decided to prepare a team of willing countries who aren't close to AE to assassinate him." The British Empire said.

The Portuguese Empire spat out the coffee he had somehow obtained, just as shocked as everyone else. "Kill him?! Won't we just be hypocrites then? He kills some people, we kill him? Why can't we just lock him up if he's as bad as you say he is?" He argued.

"If you don't want to do the mission, you don't have to. But we'll have to keep you here to make sure you don't tell anyone untrusted. Actually, we might as well keep everyone here until next week, to make sure you don't snitch." The French Empire said coldly, her eyes narrowed to slits as she scanned the room.

"I'm not doing it. I'm not becoming a murderer. Some of you may think it's okay, but it's barbaric." PE crossed his arms.

"Anyone else?" SE demanded. RE thought about saying that he wouldn't kill someone that his best friend loved, but kept quiet, a plan forming in his head.

"I'm with Portugal." A quiet voice said. It was REC. He was quite different then from the last time Russia saw him. For one, a lot more of his feathers were missing, and he was also wearing an eyepatch over his left eye. "I don't think we should kill someone for something that they can't control."

"Fine then. France, take them up to where they will stay for a while. The rest of you, listen to the plan." The British Empire declared. REC and PE glared at everyone in the room before going with FE.

"First, we will send a spy to see what state AE is in. Originally, we were going to send Canada, as he had bonded with Austria years prior. But REC doesn't want to participate, so we'll send the Russian Empire instead." SE explained. "He will try to be friendly with the Austrian Empire, but also be scouting for entrances and escapes. Are you up for it, Russia?"

"Sure." RE said. If he said no, he would probably be thrown out of the group like REC and PE.

"Great. After about a week, we will attack. After RE gives us a detailed explanation about the inside of the Austrian Palace, we will figure out who will go in where. Me and BE will lead you all to your rooms where you will stay for now. You are dismissed." Spain concluded.

"Russia, you stay here for a moment." Britain said as everyone left the room. "I hope you don't plan on betraying us. You are the only one allowed to leave the palace."

"I would never. I was only ever close to AE because of Prussia. But now he's dead, and I believe he needs justice." RE stated.

"Good. You may leave now." The Spanish Empire said, inclining his head to the door. "We want to plan what comes next as soon as possible. Best you start now."

And the Russian Empire left to betray Prussia's friend, wondering if it really was the right thing to do. 

(1086 Words)

I almost forgot to post this! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also, thank you all so much for 375 reads! I was originally going to say thanks for 100 reads, but they skyrocketed in the past week! Again, thank you all so much!

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