Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: The Purple Alliance is referring to the side trying to kill AE. The Gold Alliance is AE's side. I decided that ot would be better to name the groups.

The Russian Empire had retreated alongside the British Empire and his allies. RE had told REC, PE and AE that he would stay with the Purple Alliance for as long as he could, passing information to his real friends.

That was why he had asked PE to turn them all invisible, so that he could attack without the others knowing it was him. Of course, that almost backfired when Portugal lost concentration, causing them all to turn visible. RE couldn't blame him though, it took a lot of effort to keep everyone invisible at once.

Thankfully, Britain had called a retreat, forcing RE and the others to go back to the Spanish Empire's castle to plan again.

"I can't believe they escaped!" SE slammed his hand down on the table of the meeting room.

"The Portuguese Empire can turn invisible. I'm not surprised he got out so easily. I'm wondering how they got past the locked door." RE pointed out.

SE was silent.

"You didn't lock the door." Russia sighed.

"We almost lost somebody because of that!" The French Empire glared at SE, gesturing to the Swedish Empire's empty seat. He had left the war to heal from his near-death experience, promising he'd come back.

"We'll do better next time. I have a better plan." BE said. "But first, I have something to ensure nobody will tell our plans to that gold-handed freak." He pointed with his glass hands to the door.

A very nervous looking Belgium stepped through.

Shit. The Russian Empire thought. He can read minds. That meant that his betrayal could be found out. He wished Serbia was here, who could stop other powers. Then he would be safe. But he was alone in the vast castle.

"Belgium is going to read each of your minds to make sure you are loyal to us." The British Empire said, looking proud of himself and his new friend. "I'll go first, to make sure you all trust me."

As Belgium started with BE, RE pondered ways he could get out of the hole he dug himself in. The meeting room was far from the front entrance, so it was a long way to run. He supposed a window would do, but that would take time to break. Perhaps he could threaten Belgium.

He also noticed the Ottoman Empire looked a little nervous. The others were uncomfortable, but OE was definitely suspicious. Could he be an ally?

But there was no time to think about it now, for Belgium had finished with the British, French and Spanish Empire, and was moving on to him.

Don't think about it. Don't think about it. He thought to himself. Of course, when you don't want to think about something, you often think about it.

"He betrayed you." Belgium said after a long moment. "And he plans to do so again."

The Russian Empire sighed as everyone turned to face him, then sent a barrage of his power, brown roots, at his new enemies. Once they were distanced, he booked it.

"Get him!" FE cried, sending a plume of fire at the branches blocking her way. RE felt pain from the branches and let them go.

The Ottoman Empire had used his speed to get around the tree roots, and now stood in front of RE, stopping him from running away. RE was about to send more branches his way, when he started to rise in the air, likely from America.

He instead used a root to drag him back down, then sent branches spiralling in several directions to distract the others. He stumbled as he ran, trying to put as much distance between him and his foes as possible.

RE found BE in the passageway. How he got there was unknown, but also not important at the moment. The blue country sent a wave of water crashing towards him, blinding him for a split second.

Then, Britain attempted to kick RE back, which he evaded, thankfully. They both took out their swords, preparing for a battle. BE struck first.

They stabbed, blocked and ducked, none of them getting a good hit on eachother. With each miss, RE felt time slipping away. He had to get out of here. He charged at Britain as if he were going to stab him, then as BE jumped to the side, he kept running.

This was his chance. The Russian Empire could see freedom moments away, the doors were right in front of them. He just had to–

Pain exploded in his knee, causing him to drop to the ground, groaning. The Spanish Empire stood over him, a pole in his hand. The Ottoman Empire stood behind him, glaring down at RE.

The downed countryhuman tried to scramble away, despite the pain in his leg, but BE had caught up, and pointed a sword at his throat.

"You've caused us a lot of trouble lately." Was all the British Empire said as RE realised he was doomed. 

(842 Words) 


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