Chapter Twenty-Five

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The Austrian Empire stayed up until dawn practising controlling his powers. He hadn't quite managed to reverse the gold yet, but he was getting better at stopping it from spreading. And that was more than he used to be able to do.

He'd even managed to stop gold from even appearing at one point. It was hard to replicate that though.

"Did you just... touch that leaf and not turn it to gold?!?!?" A voice behind him exclaimed.

AE turned and found the Portuguese Empire standing there with a cup of coffee, bewilderment on his face.

I've been practising! Look! AE signed, excited that he had someone to show off to. He touched part of the table he sat at, and PE stared in surprise as the gold stopped at a simple dot.

"Holy shit!" PE cried. "This is awesome! We should celebrate! With cake! A lot of cake!"

Maybe not that big of a celebration, but I'd be down for a celebratory coffee. AE grinned with his eyes.

"Yeah! I'll go make you a cup! And myself another one!" PE smiled.

"Portugal, you haven't even finished your first cup." Another voice came from above. AE looked up to see REC leaning out of an open window, smiling at them below.

"You can never have too much coffee!"

REC rolled his eyes before turning his attention to AE. "Good job. I didn't think it was possible to control powers like ours."

I can try to teach you to control yours if you want. AE offered.

Canada shook his head. "I'd need someone to practice on. And I'm not willing to hurt someone for that. It's fine."

"What's all this ruckus going on here? Some of us are trying to sleep." Bulgaria scowled, appearing in the doorway to the garden, with Serbia following him. AE was glad he was up and about, despite the wound in his chest.

"AE can control his powers now!" PE exclaimed, coming back with two more cups of coffee. He had to hold two in one hand, as he still hadn't finished his original cup.

"Wait, really?" Serbia asked. AE showed them a few leaves that were half gold, proud of his supportive friends.

"That's awesome!" Bulgaria's frown disappeared. "Maybe the Purple Alliance will stop attacking us once they find out you can control them!"

I don't think they will. They want me dead because I killed Prussia and ROE. Speaking of ROE and the Purple Alliance, we need to talk. Go get the Russian and German Empire, as well as A-H.

Once all of the Gold Empire was in the garden, AE told them what had happened with PLC. About how the Roman Empire somehow came back and was mind controlling everyone in the future. Then he told them how they needed to work together with the Purple Alliance.

"We should find PLC then. Get him to tell us more. There's no way we can work with the Purple Alliance, but we can find a way to stop the Roman Empire somehow, right? Maybe we should find his statue and kill him for good." RE suggested.

"We should form a temporary alliance with the Purple Alliance. One that lasts long enough to kill ROE, then we can go back to fighting. Unless they are okay with letting AE live since he can control his powers now." REC said.

"He can control his powers now?" A-H exclaimed.

"He can at least stop the gold from spreading. He started learning after PLC told him to." PE explained.

Let's try to kill ROE first, and if we have trouble with it, we can try to form an alliance with our enemies. AE proposed, changing the topic back to war.

"Sounds good. Shouldn't be too hard. He's just a statue!" GE said, looking confident.

A mind controlling statue who has the power to take over the world. AE thought to himself, doubting he and his friends' ability to stop him.

The Portuguese Empire and the others were all armed with bats as well as swords, in case they had to knock each other out. Despite being nervous, PE was internally laughing at the fact that he might be able to bonk REC on the head.

AE told all of them that ROE's statue had been moved to the Roman Empire's castle, but he was unsure if it was still there. PE hoped so. They didn't have enough time to go on a wild goose chase.

"Everyone ready?" GE asked as they approached the red and gold palace. PE nodded along with the rest of the group.

PE ran in front of the group, eager for a fight. He stepped inside, and spotted ROE for the first time in years. Vines covered his golden form, and there was a mixture of horror and regret on his face. But the wreath that shone on top of his head was still glowing. AE was right, it wasn't attached to his body.

Soon, PE realised he couldn't move. He struggled against the force that held him, but it seemed impossible. His body was as still as one of AE's statues.

"Get... OUT!" He and the others said in unison. PE watched himself as he turned and walked back out of the castle. Then, ROE stopped controlling him.

"Well that was unpleasant." PE spoke first to the group, who were looking at each other in terrified silence. "Should we... leave?"

"We should go back in!" GE said determinedly. "We shouldn't just leave because he said so."

But we have no idea how to defeat his mind control, AE pointed out, we'll be sitting ducks while he makes us kill each other. The only one who knew how to stop it was Prussia, but I don't know how to reverse my power.

"Well, you learned how to stop it," REC said, "you can learn how to reverse it too."

"I think we should leave. Unless we come here with so many countryhumans that he can't control us all, we should stay away from here, and try to get Prussia back." RE said.

Yeah, AE said, looking back at the abandoned castle, let's go. 

(1029 Words)

I decided to post two chapters today because I missed last week! Sorry! Also the next few chapters go by pretty fast because I was rushing to get to the end of the book, so also sorry for that.

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