Chapter Thirty-Two

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The French Empire was winning. Somehow. The British Empire sent a wave of water at her head, trying to distract her, but she ducked down while sweeping REC off of his feet with a plume of fire.

The Portuguese Empire appeared behind her and attempted to strangle FE, but she elbowed him in the stomach. BE stabbed at her throat, and she ducked, sending fire towards him. His cape set on fire, and he rolled away while REC tried attacking her again.

She evaded her grandson and kicked BE while he was down, causing a grunt to escape his lips. He scrambled away and stood, preparing for another blast of fire.

But then SE struck her with lightning, sending her to the ground. BE stood over her, prepared to give the killing blow.

A dagger struck her in the neck first.

The French Empire stared at her body in shock. It was the Roman Empire's blade. She was dead before she had time to react.

She looked over at ROE, who was testing out her new power by sending a wall of flame at Serbia, whose wings caught fire.

This wasn't fair. That was her power! Not his.

She had originally been amazed at the fact that he could steal powers by killing a country. But she didn't know that her powers would be stolen too.

The betrayer had been betrayed.

The Mongol Empire, rumoured to be the bringer of death, stood beside her, before leaving. Other dead countries were nearby, watching other battles. They didn't notice her yet. Good. FE didn't want them to.

She took a few steps back.

And she ran.

The Dutch Empire knew that he was wasting his oxygen. The space he had was tight and cramped, and every time he moved, rocks shifted around him. It was lonely, dark, and he was afraid.

He had no idea what to do. He was simply waiting for his life to end. For the precious air he had to run out. For his friends to perhaps wonder if he was actually alive and come save him. Well, that last one was probably never going to happen.

So he was going to save himself.

Serbia was getting overwhelmed. PE, REC, BE and SE had all gone to fight FE, so it was just him and AE. Against ROE and mind controlled HRE, GE, OE and A-H. Except A-H wasn't much of a threat, as ROE didn't seem to have much experience with being blind.

Finally, Serbia managed to grab ahold of A-H, who snapped out of the mind control the moment he touched them. But since he was already holding AE as well, Serbia couldn't hold his sword.

Which was why he was stabbed seconds later by the Roman Empire.

He couldn't let ROE get his power. "Stab me." He hissed to A-H, who he was still holding as he stumbled to the ground. AE defended them against the onslaught of enemies.

Meanwhile, his own blood splattered to the ground, covering his battered wings, skin and clothes in the red substance. It was very warm. Serbia tried to focus on that instead of the throbbing pain in his chest.

"What?" A-H asked, clearly surprised.

"I've been stabbed, I'll die any second now. Don't let ROE get my power. Come on, you know you want to." Serbia said, laughing without humour.

"Those... those were just jokes! I'd never actually stab you! Unless we were fighting against each other in a war." A-H looked uncomfortable, kneeling down beside him. His voice sounded distant.

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