Chapter Eighteen

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The Russian Empire was very bored. There was nothing to do but try to move his leg in a position where it wouldn't be uncomfortable. And that was seemingly impossible.

But being bored was better than being dead, so RE would take it.

He wished he could just fall asleep, and dream about something better than this living nightmare. He should have just left the Purple Alliance when he had the chance. Now he was stuck here.

Suddenly, REC, the Portuguese Empire, the Austrian Empire, Bulgaria and Serbia appeared in the middle of the cell, startling RE.

"Hey, Russia!" PE said, "We've come to get you out of here!"

"PE?! What are you doing here? How'd you get in?" RE stood, grimacing at the pain in his knee.

"I teleported them in here. You're lucky that REC is persuasive." Bulgaria said.

"Jeez, what did they do to your knee?!" Serbia looked down at RE's broken leg.

"I tried to escape and got hit with a pole." RE said, recalling the painful memory.

Can you walk? We need to get out of here as fast as possible. AE asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Uh there's a problem," Bulgaria interrupted, "I can't teleport out of here..."

"What do you mean?" PE asked.

"The cell is powerproof." Serbia said. "Why do you think RE hasn't escaped with his powers already?"

You mean we're all trapped here?! AE exclaimed.

"Uh, what did he say?" Serbia asked.

"You don't know sign language?" RE said.


"He was asking if we were all trapped here."

"Essentially, yes."

"Well now what?!" Bulgaria huffed.

"We have our swords, don't we? Let's try cutting the bars."

The members of the Gold Alliance started to saw the bars. RE couldn't help them, as he didn't have a weapon, so he watched instead. Finally, they had a hole big enough for a small country to fit through.

"AE, you're the smallest out of all of us, you go through and try cutting them from the outside." Serbia suggested.

The Austrian Empire squeezed through the hole and made it, but then he froze after getting out, staring at something ahead.

"AE? Everything alright?" RE asked.

"What are you doing here?!" A low voice hissed. Uh oh. That was the French Empire.

"Bulgaria quick, go through and help him!" RE cried.

The two smaller countryhumans raised their swords as FE charged at them. Bulgaria twisted around her, teleporting so frequently that he was a blur. FE was getting frustrated as every time she tried to stab him, he just disappeared and was suddenly behind her.

REC went through the hole next, then PE, then Serbia and finally, RE.

"Spain! Get the others, they're trying to break out!" FE shouted. That wasn't good. Then France broke out into a run, sprinting up the stairs with the Gold Alliance behind her.

"Bulgaria, wait!" Serbia called as the green, red and white country ran past him to chase after FE.


"Just teleport us out of here. We don't need to get into any unnecessary fights." Serbia pointed out.

"But they are unprepared! This is our best chance for a surprise attack before they fortify their defences!" Bulgaria argued.

I say we stay. Perhaps we can get them to surrender without hurting anyone. AE said.

RE translated for Serbia, who sighed. "Fine, but if one of us gets hurt, teleport us all out, okay?" He said.

Bulgaria nodded before running up after FE. But then, his scream tore through the halls that sent a chill down RE's spine.

"Bulgaria!" PE cried.

The group ran after him to see the entirety of the Purple Alliance at the top of the stairs. Bulgaria was holding his chest, which had a large gash across it. He stumbled backward away from the Ottoman Empire, who was holding a bloody sword. He looked just as surprised as Bulgaria.

Then the battle began. RE grew a large stick shaped like a quarterstaff as a weapon, since they took his sword when he was captured. It would do for now.

Then he used his power to slam the OE against a wall. Or at least, attempt to. OE was very fast and noticed it before he actually got hurt. Fighting him was annoying.

Suddenly, OE was behind him, and a cut appeared on RE's arm. The Russian Empire spun his quarterstaff around, and actually succeeded in hitting the fast countryhuman. OE fell down a few steps before digging in his sword to stop himself.

Then, RE raised a huge wall of branches, blocking OE from getting to the main fight. RE could hear his frustrated shout as he pounded his fists against the blockade.

He started slashing at the branches instead. RE knew because he could feel their pain. That was one of the downsides of his power. It was like a thousand needles stabbing him at once. But he did not let the wall down.

The Portuguese Empire faced his friend-turned-enemy, the Spanish Empire. They locked gazes, before PE turned invisible.

"I didn't know you to be a traitor, Portugal." SE hissed as PE approached him.

"I didn't know you to be a murderer, Spain." PE responded. SE's eyes snapped to the location of the voice, and tried slashing the air there, but PE had already moved out of the way.

PE positioned himself behind SE and stabbed him, making him yelp in pain. He did that several more times, making sure to stay far away from SE's sword.

Then, SE must have been fed up, for he created a blast of lightning that went all around him, knocking PE to the ground, and out of invisibility. Shit. He thought.

Serbia used his large white wings to glide over the Dutch Empire, who was trying his hardest to hit him. DE pulled up a force field as Serbia tried to stab him. Serbia simply touched it, and it went away.

DE huffed in annoyance. Serbia had made the battle even with his power-stopping abilities. And Serbia had better sword fighting skills.

REC dodged a plume of fire that his grandmother sent at him. He refused to lose this fight between them. He flared his wings and launched himself at her.

FE raised her sword to keep her face from becoming a bloody mess, grunting from the effort. She managed to push him back and get on her feet.

REC hesitated for a second, trying to figure out the best angle of attack. But then, she turned around, towards where AE and BE were fighting. Then, she trapped them in a circle of fire. And Canada knew which one was better at fighting.

He slashed at FE while she was distracted, hoping that AE would be able to win. But deep down, he knew that the Austrian Empire might not survive the battle. 

(1165 Words)

Tysm for 1.5k reads and over 100 votes! I never thought that this story would get so far! Thanks to you all :D <3

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