The Darkness Of The Room

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(Violet's POV)

I went in my dad's attic for fun, to look at old stuff but then found a board that i reconized.

Violet: "is that what i think it is?"

I walk over and see a board, I knew the board held a lot of darkness, and stuff from the dark side. The power it held could go wrong. You strangely had to be at least 8 years old to play it. I looked all the letters, A-Z, all the Numbers 1-10, the yes and no in the corners, the goodbye at the bottom. I even noticed some dry blood splatters on it. It was quite concerning, but i thought nothing of it. This was the time I could play the board game i always wanted to play. I grabbed the little planchette the game came with. I went into the bathroom and washed the dried up blood and dust off of it. I held it behind my back after washing it, and went into my bedroom that I had there. My cousin, Mason Martell was there. He was playing with the Barbie dolls, I tapped him on the shoulder, He turned his head towards me.

Mason: Yes Vi?

Violet: shall we play a board game?

Mason: Like Monopoly or clue?

Violet: Even BETTER!

I take the board from behind my back and show Mas. His excited young face turned into a worried face. He kept looking at me and then the board. Mason was a very timid little young boy, Me and Jayden liked teasing him about it too. Mason was scared of almost everything. 

Mason:'re joking right?

Violet: Am i?

Mason looked at me with a serious face

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Mason looked at me with a serious face.

Mason: We can not play that know the dark magic it holds..

Violet: We'll be fine..


Violet: Oh boy, More luckiness of finding a very spooky ghost!

Mason: Violetta i'm serious! 

Violet: so am i lets play!.

Mason sighed. He looked at me upset.

Violet: Mason how old are you?

Mason: T-T-Ten years old.

Violet: There are eight year olds that are braver then you because they play ouija board, cause it says in order to play you have to at least be eight years old!

Mason: But were 10 and 11...

Violet: Bada-Bing-Bada-Boom, Old E-NO-UGH. to. PLAY!

Mason finally gave up, and decided to play. I set up how to play. I closed the door, closed the curtains, I took the candles that we had and put them around, finally, I turned the light off. I sat Infront of the board, Mason was on the other side.

Mason: Violet i still don't know how to feel about this.

Violet: Mason, You'll be fine, plus sometimes you never know if its a real ghost or not. Plus ghosts are cool!

Mason: Fine...but if something supernatural happens i'm leaving!

Violet: Not if you're a super natural boy!

Mason: I am!

Violet: then you're gonna play?

Mason: yeah..

We put our hand on the planchette. I know the rules of ouija board, what to say what to not say. But most importantly, always start with always saying...

Violet: is anyone there?

The planchette moved to yes. Mason got a little scared.

Mason: Violetta! don't do that!

Violet: i didn't!

Mason: Stop lying.

i looked at the board.

Violet: "What's your name?"

the planchette began spelling the ghost's name. C-A-R-O-L.

Violet: Carol, that is a pretty old are you carol?

Carol began to put her age, she was 10 years old.

Mason:...she's ten like me...

Violet: she must of died very young...uh carol how did you die?

Carol began to spell. C-A-R-C-R-A-S-H

Violet: Car crash...huh...what year did you die?

Carol spelt a word. H-E-L-L

me and mason looked at each other confused, Why did Carol spell hell? We did not know why. Suddenly, we didn't say anything but the planchette began moving. Our eyes bolted to the board, what was happening. B-L-A-C-K-M-A-G-I-C.

Mason: What' magic.

I knew what black magic had to deal with evil spirits with evil purposes. It was a very evil magic.

Violet: Um...Goodbye carol!

I moved the planchette to the good bye. Mason looked at me scared and confused. I turned the light on and looked at the time. It was 5:30, Nicolette, my step-mom would be telling us to pack up in 2 minutes. I grabbed the board and ran to the attic.  i put it away, ran back into my room, and packed my bags. but then something fell. CRASH!


Mason slowly began crying. I grabbed mason and pulled him close, I rubbed the back of his head, reassuring him that its okay. Later we got in the my step-mom's car and she began driving us to my mom's house. Mason looked at me and whispered in my ear.

Mason (Whispering): If i get nightmares...i am blaming you.

Violet: okay wimp

mason: Hey! i'm not a wimp!

violet: of course you arent...your just a little timid. 

i put some of mason's hair behind his ear as i spoke. Mason just smiled a little and went on his phone. I was hoping everything was gonna be okay, considering Carol the ghost said "Black Magic". But i'm sure we'll be fine, right?.

Carol (Based on True EventsWhere stories live. Discover now