This is suspicious..

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(Louis's Pov)

"Dear Diary, its been a few days...Monica and Taylor are still together....I'm not THAT mad at Monica anymore! *Ok maybe i am just a little*. But Me and Monica hang out like friends again. She's currently getting us drinks...and i'm not with to go get them and she is oddly taking a while. It's probably nothing. Anyway....thats all...see ya diary..----Louis A Martel <3"

I put my diary down an wait for Monica to return. She finally returns. 

Monica: So sorry, uhh...Long line?

Louis: Understandable...

Monica handed me my drink. It was carbonated water, but it looked there was powder in it.

Louis: Did you put something in my drink?

Monica: No...why?

Louis: just looks like theres powder in it...

Monica: That's...weird...

Louis: It's probably just too cold...

I take the cap off. Hey thats weird...the cap was already opened...this bottle was already opened...this is suspicous...Monica had to of done something to my drink...I look at Monica.

Louis: Any plans...

Monica: Me and Taylor are going rollerskating on monday...would you wanna come?

I nod. I take a sip of my drink, i cough a little. 

Monica: You okay?

Louis: I don't know whats up with this drink...but i'm gonna drink it cause i'm really thirsty...

Monica nodded. I don't know what is going head then felt like it was spinning. what is going on this is suspicious....very...suspicious 

Carol (Based on True EventsWhere stories live. Discover now