Roller-skating madness..

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(Taylor's Pov)

After rollerskating a bit with Louis and Monica we decided to sit down and drink milkshakes. Althought Louis just got a soda. He was acting upset today, I feel like maybe Monica did drug his drinks...thats why he didn't let Monica go get him a milkshake when she was gonna go get me and her ones...and thats why after she came back he went and got himself....Anyway, Monica looks at Louis. 

Monica: You fell quite a lot while skating.

Louis: Well...i haven't always been the best at skating, but Mason's a bit better.

Monica: That girl you always hang out with?

Louis: Mmm Hmm

Monica: You guys honestly would make a cute couple.

Louis then spit out his soda a little. 

Louis: Um...we're cousin...not-blood related...

Monica:...Oh, right....if you're not blood that still incest..

Louis: Well i don't really know it's like-

I stopped listening to their conversation, I look at the door. I see my younger sister, Judith walk in with her best friend. She sees me and waves, I wave back. I then look at Louis. He looked nervous. Then Monica looked at Me. 

Monica: Tay bae...can you please move out of the way, i wanna take louis back in the roller skating rink!

Taylor: Ok..

I get out of the booth for a moment. Monica skates over to Louis on the other side. She grabs his hand and pulls him out. 

Monica: Oh but before we go...i wanna take a sip of my milkshake.

Monica picks her milkshake up, but she didn't sip it, she suddenly spilled it on Louis. 

Monica: whoops....that totally an accident!...let me help you clean it up.

I was pissed. I get up and grab Louis. 

Taylor: I'll help him...Not you!

People then stared at us.

Taylor: Stop staring...

They then stopped.

Taylor: Come on Louis...let's go..

I bring Louis into the boys bathroom. 

Louis: Wait...Taylor...i shouldn't be in here I'm tr-

Taylor: Who said trans men can't be in the bathroom? got you binder on right?

Louis: oh I got top surgery...

Taylor: Well, there you're a normal man to society.

Louis nods.

I grab paper towels. and start cleaning the milkshake off Louis's shirt. 

Taylor:'s the best i can do.

Louis: Thanks Taylor...

Taylor: No problem.

I give Louis a kiss on the cheek. 

Taylor: I can tell you need uh...come out when your ready..okay?

Louis nods, and i leave the bathroom

(Louis's pov)

I get out of the bathroom, Monica was just getting out the skating rink. I stare at her, time for my plan, she pushed it there...first Stealing Taylor, then drugging me, and now...spilling her milkshake on me on purpose...her voice...had now truth in it. I take a deep breath in and think of what makes me calmest. My favorite memory. I walk over to Monica. 

Monica: Oh Louis, what's up.

Louis: I want you to tell Taylor that the Milkshake and drug test and even you Drugging me was just a prank, and we're just normal friends pranking each other...

Monica: But you'll have to prank me back then.

Monica walked away giggling and laughing. I start breathing heavily. I start walking, i grab a roller-skate. I walk towards Monica, people began staring.


Monica turned around. I then raise the roller-skate, and hit Monica with it as hard as i could, maybe even if Carol was still a little she might of helped. Monica falls to the ground, people gasp. Taylor walks over. Staring at me. Monica stood up. the bridge of her nose was bleeding, her right eyeball was closed bleeding. She began crying. I stood staring, i had zero fucks to give about her crying and bleeding. The front two wheels of the rollerskate were covered in blood. Taylor made me drop the rollerskate, grabbed me, grabbed our stuff and ran, we get in Taylor's van and drive away.

Carol (Based on True EventsWhere stories live. Discover now