Chapter 6

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"That lady, was the girlfriend of the owner of this building! How dare you be so careless?"

Madison stood as the chaperone and the manager of her agency berated her.

If there was anything she hated in this world, it was being yelled at.

She was so fragile, so light hearted that even back when she was young, and had still been living with her parents and siblings, any little berating from them, would make her drop down in tears.

Now, as the manager of the establishment where waiters were being recruited chastised her, as if she was but a little girl, Madison just couldn't help the sob that escaped from her lips, as he continued throwing insults at her.

The constant reminder of the cost of the dress, which he kept on repeating, did nothing in alleviating the situation instead it worsened everything.

She was the only one in the office with him, because the waitresses and waiters who had served today at the event had all collected her tip and left her here.

No one had stayed to even console her, or ask about the unusual occurrence between her and the prestigious Damien Daniel's, as she had heard them referring to him as.

Instead, they had murmured at her, some of them throwing jabs and blaming her for being so careless and even the girls she had been with before starting her job, turned against her.

As usual, she was all alone...

Her knees were bandaged roughly with a spare towel she had seen at the bathroom, and she knew she looked like a mess, but still no one took a pity on her.

They never did... The solely reminder of this flashed in her head, and she subtly recalled the elderly woman that had almost come to her rescue, tonight.

Well... after everything that had happened, from leaving the hall after Damien's insolent remark, to crying her hearts out outside, and then looking for where to clean her wounds, Madison was just tired.

She desperately wanted to go back to her cold motel room, cry herself to sleep and forget about all her worries but she knew she couldn't do that, without collecting her tip.

She just couldn't forget about the tip at all, because she needed it badly and so she had come back for it, hoping that the manager would be pitiful enough and maybe give her some additional change to spare but now she was just regretting her decision.

She could have left, and forget about her tip of almost 800 dollars, no way!

"I'm really sorry." She said slowly, wiping away her tears still hoping that the manager would have some atom of pity for her, but instead he gave her a sneer and then a look full of contempt and was it lust...

"You know, you did some damages not just at the hall, or the utensils you broke, but you also soiled the reputation of my recruiting agency, and with this news and scandal traveling wide and far you have to know that it's a big cost to me."

"I'm sorry sir, really sorry." She said again trying to apologize.

"Your apology wouldn't do anything at all. But there's a way you can apologize though..."

The manager stood up from his chair, his gaze unwavering at her as he walked towards her, his gaze darkening and even in the dimly lit office Madison could see him lick his lips with so much contempt and disgust as he approached her.

"No... no..." She muttered as he placed his hands on her bodice, the hem of her shirt with his fingers flickering on her bare chest, and he wandered down to her bosoms.

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