Chapter 67

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The first thing Katherine felt as she slowly awakened was an annoying sense of déjà vu.

She was in the exact position as she was the first time she had opened her eyes, and speaking of that time she didn't even remember what had happened.

All she knew was that she had been injected with something, but surprisingly and unlike the last time, she was calm and composed.

She looked up at the tube descending all the way down to the cannula in her hand, wondering what all of this was about. The lights overhead in the ceiling were still as blinding as before, piercing into her orbs and she had to put a free hand over her eyes to shade them.

When her eyes had finally adjusted to the light, and she no longer had to wince every few seconds, she let her sight roam the ward she was in.

For the first time since she'd awakened, she noticed that a man was standing a few feet away from her bed, and the white coat he had on told her that he was the doctor, supposedly the one in charge of her.

Also she could see a nurse dressed in scrubs by his side, and squinting she tried to get a better view of them as well as try her best to catch a few words of what they were discussing but straining her body was not the best option for her right now because of how weak she felt.

Her whole body also ached albeit painfully, and finally she let herself be.

She lay back on the bed and tried her hardest to relax, but just as she did her small groaning seemed to have attracted the doctor's attention.

Seeing that she was awake, he slowly approached her bed and peered down at her through his glasses. When he was done checking with her eyes, he faced her fully and asked, "Miss Scott. How are you feeling today?"

Katherine wasn't sure how to answer that question so she said nothing. She was still very confused about all this, to be honest. Not to mention the nasty headache she was battling, and the strange feeling she was also having.

She felt weak and sloppy, almost like was drunk. But that wasn't possible. Even if she had battled an hangover, it would have passed by now so why did she feel this way?

"Do you remember how you got here, Miss Scott?" The doctor asked again, waving his hands over her face and Katherine just blinked her eyes.

She wished she did remember but she didn't and shook her head in response, but as she made that movement she immediately regretted it.

It did her aching head no favors at all, and stuttering she said finally, "N-no...W-what happened to me?" Her hand came up to her forehead in pain, "And why do I have this nasty headache?"

"Don't worry it will pass. The headaches and drowsiness are just a side effect of the sedatives. The nurse will administer some painkillers to you later on, but for now, you just need to relax and you'll be fine."

Katherine nodded shakily, still not satisfied and she pestered on, "This is just so crazy. Why do I feel this way damn! You still haven't told me what happened. How did I even get here? Nothing like this has ever happened to me. Why am I in this hospital? I remember nothing at all."

The doctor and the nurse exchanged looks, and finally the doctor cleared his throat and began to narrate what must have happened to her.

"There was an unfortunate incident at the hotel you were lodged in, and according to our examinations and some witnesses as well you were very inebriated and you proceeded to damage hotel property. You inflicted self harm to yourself, and while the people around you tried to calm you down, you collapsed in the middle of all that madness and..."

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