Chalter 102

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"Here have some food if you'd like."

Madison shook her head, trying so hard to refuse the spoilt slimy food Katherine was offering her.

However the more she struggled against the food, the more Katherine kept shoving the contents of the plate down her throat until she couldn't take it anymore and she just had to open her mouth to eat.

Her hands were tied behind her, and she was so weak to even try and fight back or anything so she had no option.

"Good girl. That's a good bitch!" Katherine smirked, laughing wickedly as she threw the bowl away and it clattered heavily on the floor.

Grimacing at the taste, Madison's forced herself to swallow the stale food, and just at the same time her stomach tumbled heavily,

Katherine's laughter still echoing through the dimly lit room, Madison scrunched her nose up in disgust at the scent of alcohol reeling everywhere.

She didn't need a soothsayer to inform her that Katherine was heavily drunk, because she could see it from the way she walked, and the things she was saying.

"So..." Katherine said after a while, dropping down on the floor as she sat close to where Madison laid limp. "You know we've not really had any proper talk since you came here. Haha."

"Well..." She continued yet again, "You should be delusional if you think that Damien is yours."

Suddenly a tear dropped down Madison's face the second she heard that name, and her chest tightened painfully.

She sniffed slightly, her mouth shut tightly as she tried to control the raging emotions that was flowing in her.

It would be best if she just ignored Katherine's snide remarks. Besides the lady was drunk, and Madison was all shades of weak to even say a word.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Katherine instantly blurted out and before Madison knew what was happening, the drunk lady had already stood up on her feets, grabbing her hair and squeezing tightly.

"Please... please..." Madison began to beg, her whole body trembling as she fought with her tied hands, "Please let go of my hair."

The tears burning at the back of her eyes began to spill furiously, but still Katherine didn't relent.

"Say something bitch! You say something. You are trying to act all innocent and stuff, when we both know that you want to sink your gold digging claws in my man. You fucking bitch."

"Please I beg... I beg you..." Madison began with a stutter, "I swear to you and I've said it countless times I have nothing to do with Damien. We've separated since and I don't want to get back with him. I swear to..."

"Oh shut up you bitch!" Katherine interjected, and letting go of Madison's hair locks, she proceeded to kick her heavily in the stomach.


"Slimy bitch, look up and talk to me. What were you thinking when you packed your bags intending to leave London? You thought Damien would trail after you, and then come beg you in the airport or what? I mean what were you thinking?"

Coughing, and spluttering about Madison began to talk slowly, her voice hoarse, "I never wanted him to follow me. I know you won't believe me, but I was leaving because I was fed up of having him around. I just wanted too..."

"Oh I sure don't believe you. I don't care what you say bitch, because irrespective of what comes out of your mouth, I'm still going to kill you."

A sudden chill ran down Madison's spine as she heard those words. Even though Katherine had said it countless times, today she looked over the edge and it was more than evident that she meant the words.

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