Chapter 23

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"Come in." Damien said as a knock resounded at his office door.

Without waiting to see who was walking into his office, he resumed his typing on the computer, sighing when he came across some errors on the document.

He had been so caught up in other things this week that he was unable to concentrate on work, hence all these errors.

For the first time since this whole Madison saga started, he felt disappointed in himself for misplacing most of his priorities.

Now though, he was determined to focus more on work and let everything else be, at-least for the time being.

When he finally looked up from the computer, he saw that Alvarez was the one who walked in, and instantly the atmosphere became tense.

The memory of their unresolved tiff from the last time flashing through his head, Damien kept a straight face, choosing not to say anything as he was equally annoyed about the way Alvarez had spoken to him the last time.

"Yes?" He snapped adding,  "I'm quite busy so whatever you want to say, make it quick."

Alvarez stared at him for a few moments, and then with an emotion in his eyes Damien could not decipher, he dipped his hands into his trouser pockets and procured an envelope. He dropped the envelope on the table in front of Damien.

"That's the money for your girlfriend's dress. Now the both of you don't have to keep having sleepless nights, over some mere two thousand dollars." Alvarez remarked cuttingly, and Damien could feel the sarcasm drip from every word.

Damien's face flushed and he felt anger flow through him, "You're speaking to me this way because of everything that happened, aren't you?" He asked.

Alvarez shrugged, "I don't know what you mean. Everything that happened was because of the dress. So now you have the money back, maybe you'd be satisfied."

Damien felt a need to snap back at him but he held himself back, "Hand it over to Kathrine and not to me. It's her dress, have you forgotten? You know where to find her." He snapped, and with that he concentrated on his work again, but his ears were still drumming from the initial anger.

He heard Alvarez scoff as he picked the envelope back up and placed it back in his pocket, "Of course, why did I even bother? I almost forgot how great you were at diverting your responsibilities. I'll take my leave now."

Damien could not hold back the anger at this point.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked, glaring at Alvarez, who quickly turned back to face him as if he had some speech prepared for him.

"It's not the first time, nor the second, or the third. You always do this. At this point, I wonder why I'm still surprised. It's the exact same way you treated Madison, not even bothering to hear her side of the story, diverting your responsibility and not even thinking of the proper thing to do back then at the event. You just cast her aside like she didn't matter, disgracing her in front of everyone, ruining a bit of your reputation to if I might add. Well, you should also be satisfied now, she's gone. She has left for London, and out of your life for good."

Damien looked startled at this piece of information, all his anger suddenly forgotten, as a feeling of angst cut through him, "She's gone? When?"

Alvarez glared at him, "Why does it matter when? After everything you did to her she obviously couldn't take it anymore that's why she left. Besides she has a life over there, and away from you if I remember vividly." As Alvarez said those words, he looked Damien over, "You know, I still don't get how it's possible for you to do everything you did to Madison. A woman you claimed to love in the past for that matter. I mean, I have evidences, and I still recalled how you treated her like she was the one who gave you life. People change, I shouldn't be surprised. That doesn't change the fact, that you have no right whatsoever to treat her the way you did."

Yours, Forever जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें