Chapter 73

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Damien's mind was miles away as he drove through the streets of London.

His fingers gripped the steering wheel as he drove, his meeting with Mason still fresh in his mind. He couldn't explain how he was feeling at the moment.

He wanted his investigator to do further investigation, he needed to know if the child was really his but Damien realized there was no way to know that.

Besides he'd heard it directly from her brother. Why would Mason lie? After all these years, what would he stand to gain? Absolutely nothing obviously.

However Damien had no answer to that question, and he had began to feel tortured the moment Mason had mentioned Madison's pregnancy.

His chest had never felt so heavy like it did today, and it had broken him down so much that he no longer had the energy to talk to Madison's parents.

Shakily, he had made his way back to the car, and since he needed to be alone at that point, he had ordered his security guards, driver, and the investigator to stay back at the hotel in Kettlesworth while he went on a car ride.

They obeyed without question, getting out of the car for Damien to get in.

Damien's initial plan was to drive round the town and clear his head, but then he received a call from his secretary.

One of his business associates coincidentally arrived in London today, and when he found out that Damien was in London as well, he suggested that they hold a meeting. So his secretary had called to inform him, and he almost immediately began to turn it down as he wasn't in the mood for business but on a second thought, he agreed.

Distracting himself would help a lot right now, and it had done that dutifully.

After they had scheduled the meeting, Damien drove out of Birmingham and headed to London. The long drive would also help him clear his head. So he drove, while increasing his speed limits, and trying to control the raging voices in his head.

His thoughts were flying about, and to crown it all he felt helpless, guilty, and angry. Damn it!

He was just disoriented in general, and he wasn't sure how to deal with it now. A feeling of bitterness enveloped him thoroughly, and at intervals he would swear loudly.

Trying to keep his head straight, he kept on driving and by the time he arrived in London, it was evening already.

He made his way to the hotel where his associate was staying in, and he tried to shake off the feeling of helplessness and anger before he stepped in.

When he felt ready enough, he walked in instantly spotting the man he was dealing with, and after they both exchanged pleasantries, they soon got down to business.

The meeting didn't last for too long seeing as they were both on the same page, and after scheduling for their second meeting a month later in New York, Damien departed.

As he walked back to his car, his initial disposition returned, and the weight from before which he had been carrying returned back on his shoulders.

Getting into his car, he began to drive, not exactly sure where he was going too but he preferred to be anywhere but at his hotel at the moment. His head felt heavy as he continued to think about the events of today, and no matter how much he tried, he just couldn't seem to fix the pieces of the puzzle and to say he was more than confused was putting it lightly.

Could it really be that Madison had lied about everything just to save him? But save him from what? Her parents? Now this was just another of the so many unanswered questions he still hadn't asked, and as he thought about everything his head spinned rapidly.

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