Chapter 12

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Madison sat crouched on the floor of her small motel room, her hands placed tightly over her ears in an attempt to block out the distant sounds of the hoarded paparazzi who still swarmed outside her room actually, asking for her reappearance.

Her hands pressed harder over her ears as she sobbed, the residue of tears at the back of her eyes falling down helplessly, she kept hoping for someone to come take her away from all of this misery.

She was already fed up with the series of unending challenges she had to face, but now it only worsened by the day.

She just wanted it all to end. She was tired of everything.

As she shut her eyes tightly, tears streaming down her face, she continued crying, pouring out her pain so seriously that she didn't even hear the door of her room swing open, until a very familiar husky called out, "Madison!"


She looked up seeing him barge in, panic and worry visible on his face, and quickly she scrambled up to her feet the moment she saw him.

"Al-Alvarez..." She broke down sobbing and falling into his firm grip.

"God, what happened? Paparazzi... I see paparazzo outside and...? What happened damn?"

She cleared her throat, managing to wipe some of the tears away before she could speak, "The motel manager and some of the receptionists tipped the media off. I saw them counting a stack of bills on my way back in. Seems they sold me of and I just can't even...I—I can't explain the shock that I felt...they kept asking so many questions, it flooded my brains, Alvarez."

She paused to catch her breath as she felt her throat tighten even worse than it initially was, "There was a m-magazine too...I was on the front page. Everyone is talking about m-me... They are all saying harsh things about me. They are..."

Stuttering, her face still dripping wet, Madison clutched hard as her chest when she remembered the reporter who had asked about Damien.

All she wanted was to move on and forget him, but like always he kept on popping up indirectly in her head. "I'm so tired...I'm tired—"

"Shhh—" Alvarez cooed, pulling her into a tight hug before she could say more.

Embittered by her situation, she continued to sob into his shirt, words failing her for some time.

"It's okay, Madison. It's okay..." He mumbled reassuringly, his hold on her and never letting go of her.

He was also rubbing her back, and he kept on urging on, "Let it all out. I am here for you, okay?" Nodding, still burying her face in his chest, she was so grateful for his embrace and he let her cry for a while, before pulling her face up, and making her look at him.

Still comforting her, he wiped her tear-stained face, pulling her hair which was now damp from away from her face.

When she had calmed down, he helped her down into a chair and not even saying another word, she watched as he began to move around the room, grabbing every strange item that belonged to her and piling them into the small suitcase she had.

She tried to protest, mouth open already wanting to ask what he was doing, but he stopped her by raising his hand, "You are in no condition to say do anything right now. Okay? I'll take care of it." She eventually nodded, grateful to have Alvarez back again in her life.

She had called, and he had arrived already understanding the situation without asking much questions.

He was basically her only friend, and although he had work and other things to do, he had come running to her aid, and she was forever grateful for that.

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