Chapter 79

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Damien took a sip of his black coffee, placing both hands tightly against the mug.

It was afternoon already, and usually he would not be drinking coffee by this time when he wasn't working, but it was just what he needed right now.

As usual he'd skipped breakfast, and he had been too busy thinking and worrying all morning since Madison left. He was supposed to be in Birmingham in-fact, but after everything that had happened at the club he just couldn't bring himself to leave.

Also he'd discovered a shocking truth about his and Madison's past, after she spent the night in his hotel room, so it was sufficient to say that he was confused and needed some alone time to himself maybe.

Gazing out at the hotel view from his balcony, his mind still wandering as he took another sip of his coffee, he began to instinctively worry about Madison.

He had been too stunned to say anything when she had asked him to leave the room so she could undress, and right after that, she had gone.

He hadn't had a chance to discuss further with her in her sober state at all, and she just wasn't giving him her attention at all.

Last night had been crazy, and worse still his mind still bugged heavily with what Madison had told him. He still hadn't managed to get out what she had been trying to say to him, the words she didn't finish and he was curious and infuriated at the same time.

He couldn't even talk to her this morning at all, and she'd left without saying a word or even sparing him a glance.

Sighing heavily, Damien walked back into his room, and picking up his phone, he walked back to the balcony.

He took a few minutes to consider the step he was about to take. His mind had not crossed it for a while, or maybe it had but he kept postponing it. Now though, he wouldn't hold himself back because this was something he knew he had to do, and there was no other way around it.

Dipping his hand into his pocket, he took out the piece of paper Mason Connor had tossed to him which contained a phone number.

He remembered his encounter with Mason and how disrespectful the motherfucker had been, and now with his jaw gritting, Damien felt like tossing the paper away but he stopped himself halfway.

Mason was his only shot now. His only chance to get more answers... answers that his private investigator couldn't get. Also those words Madison had barely finished last night, he might just have the answer to them.

Sighing again, Damien inputed the digits into his phone and dialed.

The phone rang for a few seconds and then it connected.

"Hello?" A feminine voice sounded from the other end and Damien froze, his brows furrowing in confusion as he took a look at the paper in his hand, checking to see if he had made any errors, but he had not.

The numbers were exactly the same. Then why on earth was a woman answering the phone.

Briefly Damien wondered if Mason had given him a fake number, but he waved the thought off. Mason was way too proud for that, and surely he hated playing games of any kind, both in the past and even now.

As he parted his lips to ask the woman a few questions, the sound of a baby crying was suddenly heard from the other end, and he could hear the woman trying to coo the baby, singing some lullaby at the same time, and that was when realization struck.

Damien realized that the woman would most likely be Mason's wife, and he remembered seeing in the file his private investigator had submitted that Mason was married, with a child too.

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