Chapter 48

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Madison wrapped her blanket tighter around her as a light wind blew through her window.

Her teeth chattered as she pulled the blanket over her and slowly got to her feet. She winced in pain from the ache in her joints as she quickly shut her window to stop some of the air from coming in.

When she was done with that, she wobbled into the kitchen to find something to eat, as it was already quite late, and almost time to take the third dose of her medicine. Thankfully she had some leftover pasta from the day before, and this would be sufficient for her to take her drugs.

Madison felt so terrible.

She rarely fell sick, but whenever she did it was always bad, and now she had a feeling she had come down with the regular flu.

Her temperature had skyrocketed, and her joints were aching so much that she had to take a sick leave for a few days. She had been scared to do so at first because she didn't want anything that would put her job at risk, but her colleagues had advised her to go ahead and she had obliged.

Surprisingly when she had told her supervisor, he had been so understanding about it and let her be, even telling her to take good care of herself.

Now she had been on a sick leave for two days, staying at home all through. She was making sure to eat, drink plenty of water and take the drugs she'd bought. She was a little bit better than she was before, but the fever had not abated yet.

When the pasta was hot enough, Madison dished out a small portion for herself and quickly took her drugs before eating. It helped kill the taste of the bitter medicine, currently laying in her tongue.

Madison hated rushing her food but currently she had no appetite, and she really wanted to just get back to bed.

When she was finished she managed to clear up the dishes before going back, and as she gently lay down on the bed again after putting on the thickest sweater she owned, she then used the blanket for her legs.

Shivering violently, she wrapped her arms around herself, and just when her eyes began to droop slightly wanting to fall into a painful slumber the sound of her doorbell filled the room.

Madison groaned in frustration, hating the interruption already. She had just gotten comfortable, so who the hell was this?

Hissing under her breath, she managed to get up, and with the doorbell ringing out a second time, Madison paused in her steps.

Who could possibly be at her door by this time? She wondered. Last she had checked, she wasn't really expecting anyone, and she knew it could not be any of her neighbors as they never rang the doorbell.

They would just yell out her name from the back, or knock frantically, so who was this person. Madison started to think that maybe she should just ignore it and go back to bed.

More so she was starting to realize that anytime she unlocked her door after getting a strange knock, it always seemed like a bad idea.

First it was Mason, and then the postman with the threat letter and now who could it be? Anyway, it was always a mistake on her part, and the thought of that threat letter sent a chill down her spine. Also the fact that she was being stalked really did not put her at ease, so the wheels in head were turning as to who this could be.

It was late in the evening, and anything could happen.

Trying to get a hold of herself, Madison walked into the kitchen, grabbing a knife from her shed already arming herself. So even if anything did happen, she would be capable of protecting herself, and fighting back.

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