Chapter Twenty-Four

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I'd organised to stop a block away, in an old, unused supermarket car park. I didn't want to rouse suspicion with Harley pipes, as well as all the large fuckin' cars pulling up to the warehouse.

I got out of my car just as twenty or so Harleys were roaring down the street and pulling in to stop. Blue was the first over to me, Griz, Deanna, and Violet.

"What's the plan?" he asked.

"We need to be fast, get in and get out. The warehouse is a block away at the end of a dead-end street. Not much goes on in these parts, so there shouldn't be any witnesses we'd need to buy off."

Fuck. I felt like I was wasting time standing there explaining. All I wanted to do was get in there, kill the fucker, and get my family back.

Violet stepped forward and rested her hand on my arm. "We go in on foot from here. We don't want them knowing we're coming." She looked over Blue's shoulder to a white sedan pulling into the car park. It stopped just behind the Harleys. "Good, just in time." She grinned as Warden got out of the car, went to the back of it, and opened the trunk. "Everyone needs to swap over their weapons for one of ours," Violet shouted to my brothers.

"Shit, Vi." I closed my eyes. "How the fuck are you going to explain firing off twenty or so guns to the cops?"

She shrugged. "We'll deal with that when the time comes." I shook my head as she added, "Do you think Zara would want her man in jail after just saving her? No. Do it for her, Talon."

"Do I get a fuckin' gun now?" Deanna asked.

"No," Griz growled. "You stick with me, princess."

She sighed loudly and rolled her eyes. "Fine. But I want a piece of him."

"We'll see," I said. I wanted him first. My hands itched to choke the fucker for layin' his hands on my family in the first place. "Right, let's load up and move out," I called.

* * * *

Violet had me send Warden in first to remove—if there were any—cameras. Not that I believed a large motherfucker like Warden would get in there undetected, but he came back saying the coast was clear.

I spread my brothers out so we had the whole warehouse covered. I went straight to the front door with Griz, Deanna, and Violet. Then Blue came running around from the side to inform me, "We've taken out five men."

Then why the fuck wasn't the front covered?

I gave a chin lift in response and tried the front door. It was locked. I took a step back, ready to kick it in when Deanna stepped forward and knocked. I sent her a 'what the fuck' look.

Seconds later, the front door was opened, and one of Rocko's men, still in a betraying Vicious vest, stood there.

"Fuck," he hissed. He went to grab a two-way at his waist, but Deanna punched him in the face. He teetered back. Blue jumped him and held him to the ground.

"I'm sure Rocko wants to deal with this fucker himself." Blue grinned. "You guys go. I'll find something to tie him up with," he said while emptying the dick of weapons.

I bolted for the stairs, just as my other men came through the back door and went searchin' through the bottom area.

Taking three steps at a time, I climbed the stairs with the others following.

A gunshot sounded in the distance.

"Shit, shit," Deanna chanted.

We reached a hallway. I signalled for everyone to stay quiet and keep their eyes open. I opened the first door...nothing. Griz got to the second just as another of Rocko's men was walking out. He reached for his gun as Griz knocked him out with one punch.

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