Chapter Seven

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I had no time to process anything. As soon as Talon left, my door swung open and in piled Deanna, Mattie and Julian, holding a platter of crackers, cheese, and dips. While we ate, I told them what went down.

"Oh, my fuckin' God," Deanna said when I got to the part about him coming back for tea, and Maya, and Cody, and every—freaking out—thing.

"I know, I know." I sighed and paced the room while munching on some crackers. "He thinks it's time to play family. I haven't even slept with the guy. What happens if he's no good, or he thinks I'm no good and runs a—"

"Shut the fuck up," Deanna said in her most mild-mannered way from where she sat on my bed.

I'm really starting to get sick of people telling me to shut up.

"You are both gonna rock each other's world; no doubt about that shit. And I reckon he's right. If he don't step up and get the kids involved, you'll run a fuckin' mile, scared outta your brain again."

Oh, that was low, and cunning, and how come I never thought of it that way?

"I think, hun, what this chica meant when she said 'oh, my Gawd,' was regarding you thinkin' Captain America still loves his ex." Julian smiled from the bed.


"Yeah, oh—" Deanna began. I held up my hand.

"Before you start telling me what an idiot I am, can we leave it, 'cause I have to go get Maya?"

"You know I would have said more than idiot, but I shall delay my knocking some sense into your dumb-witted brain until later. Let's scat, people. We have a devil child to pick up."

I rolled my eyes. Maya wasn't a devil child. She was just born thirty and smarter than Deanna most times.

"Hey, where'd Vi and Warden get to anyway?" I asked as I exited my room.

"Some PI crap. Said they'd catch you sometime. Oh, and don't come in to work tomorrow since it's Friday. Start back Monday," Deanna informed me.

I turned to face her once we were in the lounge room. "That's nice of her. But I need to keep my mind occupied, and work will do that."

"I'm sure Gladiator will keep you busy enough tomorrow." Julian grinned and then looked to Mattie and back to me, saying, "Hey, nut crackers, how 'bout you two go, and we'll make a start on dinner." Julian did some weird gesture with his eyes.

It took me a second to figure out what he meant. But then it clicked: Mattie was nervous about meeting Maya for the first time. I smiled and nodded my understanding. Actually, I was excited to bring Maya home to meet her uncle. She'd seen photos of him from when he was younger, but I didn't have any recent ones. I wondered if she would recognise him.

A pang of hurt hit me.

How was I going to explain to my six year old that she'd never get to meet her grandparents? I knew it would be harder for me to tell her than it would be for her to hear.

Oh, God.

Before I was allowed to wallow in worry and sorrow, Deanna pulled me toward the door and reminded me of yet another situation to worry about.

"Don't forget Zee's human vibrator will be joining us tonight."

* * * *

Spotting Maya in a crowd was easier than getting Deanna not to swear. Honestly, many things were a lot easier than stopping Deanna from cussing. Maya came bounding our way with a big smile on her face and her long, dark, curly locks tied in a ponytail on top of her head.

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