Chapter 27- Travis

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Major things are coming– Kendra

  The first person I see before assembly is Faith. She looks worn out and a bit pale, so naturally I ask: "what's wrong Faith?" And for the first time since Welcome Party, Faith ignores me. Like, she literally walks past me and straight into our empty classroom.

Of course, I'm put off by this turn of events. It's a Monday morning, the start of a new week. But I also know that Faith isn't okay, so I turn around and follow her right into the class.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, standing by the door. Faith stops unpacking her bag to look at me. Are those eyebags I see?

"Morning," she manages to say. I take out my hands from my pockets and walk up to her.

"Did you not sleep well?" I inquire, although I fear that is not it.

"On Friday my mum took me to go see a surgery. Live," she begins. I don't want to interrupt her but I have to say "shit" to emphasize my full support.

"And after we got back she made it extra clear that my entire aim in this life is to become a doctor. And you know what I did?" She sits on her table.

"What did you do?"

"I slept off."

"Wow, big moves you got there. So if you slept why do you look like this?"

"Keep in mind that that happened on Friday night. That was two days ago. Last night, I was studying biology and I experienced a feeling that I have never experienced." She rolls her head around slowly but I still fear it'll fall off. She doesn't look alright.

"What was that?"

"I felt overwhelmed," she adds a little hand movement for extra mystery. This story just keeps getting better.

"But you feel overwhelmed all the time," I argue.

"Yes yes but never about my studies. I mean fine the thought of med school kills me but does calculus? No. Does physics? No. But yesterday biology overwhelmed me."

"So what did you do?" I fear this is the worst part.

"I drank."

"You what?"

"I drank alcohol, for the first time."

"For a house like yours you'd think they'd keep the cigarettes and alcohols in some secret cabinet," I grunt.

"I only had like 3 glasses but it knocked me off completely," she giggles. Oh it totally did.

"First off what type of glass did you use, second exactly what type of drink did you have?"


"You drank 3 glasses of whiskey."

"Full glasses."

"Because you felt overwhelmed."

"I was also curious."

"Well so was Curious George, you don't see him drinking more than he can take."

"I'm hungover. I can't stay in school like this," she drawls. She rests both her hands on my shoulders and rests on my chest.

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