Chapter 44- Osas

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Nobody wins in the family fueds- Jay-Z

The traditional wedding is a complete bore. Johnathan is from Edo state so everything they said was either in Bini or Afema. And Bini is practically non-existent. Well thankfully we're done with that and next on the list is the church wedding. The guest make their way into the Hall of the hotel while we rush back into our suites to change.

In my opinion all this is quite unnecessary because John Wick and Winnie are practically married. They have been since the day before when they signed whatever it is that they sign at court weddings. Despite my opinions though, I change into my yellow mermaid gown and slip my feet into the black wedge Tiwa chose for me. Each of us have our special make up artist and I'm pretty comfortable with mine so I let her do a quick touch up on my face.

She's still busy with my eyeshadow when Tiwa says:

"You know I've not spent up to five minutes with Winnie since yesterday," she pouts.

"Me too o. Do you think we can see her before the sermon starts?" I wonder. The sound of the organ playing from downstairs fills the hotel.

"Only if we're very fast," she grins. Well I guess we'll be very fast.

In less than a minute we're outside our room with matching gowns, shoes, and purses. I feel like I'm an undercover spy about to find out a deep deep political secret.

"Her room is right there. Do you think they'll let us see her?" She pauses. The slightest hint of trepidation laces her voice. She hasn't missed those looks they've been sending her.

"And why wouldn't they? We're her sisters," I say defiantly. In one swift motion I grab her hand and lead her to the room ahead of us.

The door is already opened ajar so I just push it a bit, revealing the quiet and serene room where my sister's been resting her head. There are only three ladies in here excluding Winnie, and the first to spot us isn't exactly nice.

"How may we help?" She asks, quickly coming over to the door. Oof, her chubby body's obstructing the view.

"I'm Osas and this is Tiwa. We would like to see Winnie," I reply, not honoring her with a glance.

"The bride is busy now. She will be for a pretty long time, why don't you girls run along now," she flashes us very fake smiles. How on Earth did Winnie entangle herself with such a human being?

"I'm her sister," I state plainly. The lady's eyes narrow, considering me differently. She opens her mouth to speak but before she can, Winnie appears next to her.

"It's you two! Come in come in," she says breathlessly. Tiwa sends the lady a very meaningful look as she steps in ahead of me. The other two ladies watch us with equally curious faces.

"Is this your sister? She looks so much like you," the one with a buzz cut comments. Her hair's dyed a dull gold but it actually fits her. Winnie beams at both of us with such pride as she sits on her vanity, you'd think she's our mother.

"Both of them are my sisters actually. Osas, Tiwa, meet my friend Aisosa," she points at the buzz cut girl. "And your cousins Betty and Debra." The lady who obstructed us is Debra. Makes sense, she looks a lot like a Debra.

"Nice to meet you," I murmur, my eyes jumping from one person to another until they land back on Winnie. Her skin is glowing more than usual, I wonder if that's because of the realization that she'll be wedded soon or that's the tumeric working.

"You look soooo pretty! John Wick will faint when he sees you!" I cry, moving to hug her tightly.

"John Wick?" Aisosa asks, raising a brow.

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