Chapter 32- Osas

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She's leaving home- Tiwa

Wednesdays are my favorite days of school. I can breathe on Wednesdays, because I know it's just two days left and I'll be back on my bed. Also because I get to beat Travis on both track and field games. Only that today, i don't.

"Hey have you seen Travis?" I ask Faith between pants. We've just finished the first lap of the 400m race and she's the nearest person to me.

"No, I don't think he came to school today or else I would've definitely seen him," she looks just as worried as I feel.

"Did you call him?" I ask.

"I sent him a couple of texts but he hasn't read them. He's probably just tired from the fundraiser," she waves it off.

"The what?"

"Oh, sorry. There was this fundraiser yesterday. Coincidentally both of our parents were invited," she explains. I nod but our conversation ends there. I hope he's alright, it isn't like him to skip school.


For the past few weeks lunch has taken a new dimension. Ara doesn't sit at our table anymore, she sits with Alex, Umar and their friends. She and Olivia are the only girls there but they seem to fit in just right. I've fared quite well without Ara, I thought it would be harder. Our relationship was a little bit weird, even I can admit that, but it wasn't toxic. She cared just as much as I cared, she just has a tunnel vision. Oblivious to mostly anything that doesn't directly affect her, and that's something I can't live with any longer, so I guess it was for the best.

But I still get flashes of our argument, how she yelled at me, pushed me. All because of Alex. The same Alex who I've seen staring a bit too long at Faith.

Now it was just Faith, Jibril, Me, Yamíl and Travis. His absence was very obvious, the large space he took seemed to be screaming at us all.

"I'm worried. We should go see Travis after school," Faith declares, reading my thoughts.

"That'll be great. He still hasn't replied any of my texts," Yamíl pipes in, staring at his phone.

"I tried to call him, he's phone is switched off," I inform them. There was no point texting.

"What should we get him? Suya?" Jibril wonders.

"Travis is a lacto-ovo vegetarian," Faith gives him a blank look.

"He is?" Yamíl gapes, laughing at the thought.

"I'm pretty sure I've seen him eat chicken before," I huff.

"Yes, he's also a flexitarian. I mean this is Nigeria, how many fruits are there to pick from?" She asks, a bit exasperated. Her expression makes us all chuckle. She has a point.

"So what? Should we get him a basket of grapes?" Yamíl jokes.

"Maybe just an orange juice will do. I don't know where you guys see all the money you spend but my savings is drying up," she raises her brows as she swallows her meat ball.

"Richest babe Faith," Jibril laughs.

"She's right! You guys are always spending. If it wasn't for Winnie sending me some cash I'd be broke as hell," I shake my head at the thought of the possibility.

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