Chapter 14 - Woof Woof!

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Lately, I've been noticing that there are a lot of students greeting me every day. At first, I thought, Oh! They might be just being polite, so I didn't think that something is going on. It kept happening though, and those who were approaching me for very obvious reasons, are getting more frequent.

My life nowadays is a constant battle of not getting annoyed and politely telling them off. And every damn time I do that, they look at me like I'm a bitch.

"Good Afternoon, Miss Nadia!" A chorus of girls' voices can be heard as Gwen and I walked through the hallways.

I just gave them a smile in return.

That kind of greeting is nice and I find it bearable. There's nothing wrong with greeting someone and wishing them a great day.

"Aren't you Sir Nathaniel's sister?"


"Hey hey, you're cousins with the Crown Prince, aren't you?"

"Prince Ezekiel's cousin!"

"Sir Nathan's sister!"

But these~

These are not okay and I am getting tired of hearing it. I have a name for Pete's sake!

Why do they even call out to me like that?

"Sir Nathan's sister! Are you going to see Sir Nathan and the Prince today?" Some guy questions as soon as he saw me. His group approached us and is currently blocking our way, which I find very rude.

Unless you know or you are close with the person, don't go blocking someone's way!

My eyes zoned in at him, staring at him sharply. He didn't notice my mood getting sour as he stood there looking smug. Gwen glanced at me and frowned at the guy.

"Get out of the way! How dare you blocked us?" She scolds and glared at them.

"I'm just greeting the Misses, I don't mean no harm," The guy with a breezy smile looked at me and his smile got even breezier. "I am actually Sir Nathan's classmate." He added, feeling satisfied with himself.

'So? What's that got to do with me?'

A nerve ticked in my forehead. I am already getting riled up from all these name-callings since a while ago and he's here being all smug looking and had even blocked our path!

"Move," Gwen asserted. Gazing at them with glaring eyes.

"C'mon, I only wanted to talk to Nathan's sister. I am your senior as well you know," He uttered, languidly smiling.

He seriously creeps me out.

His words grated my ears and I immediately snapped.

"First of all, I am not only Nathaniel's sister, nor the Crown Prince's cousin. I am Nadia. If that isn't enough for you, then don't talk to me. Don't even think of approaching me either." I stated, intensely staring him down even though he's a foot taller than me.

He and his group looked surprised by my sudden outburst. His smile was instantly wiped off and was replaced with resentment, brows knitting in obvious dislike to what I said.

"Excuse me?" He uttered.

My lips stretched into a cynical smile.

"You're excused," I replied and pushed past them.

They had no choice but to move aside and stare at me in disbelief. The other students were silent as well and were watching us leave.

I have become a walking theater now. Always being watched. So exhausting...

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