Chapter 26 - Musings Of A Dense Man

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The soft clicked of the closed-door can be heard. It echoed in my ears, however quiet that is, it sounded loud to me. If it were before, I would have found it bizarre.

Nadia, when she does not get what she wants, throws tantrums. And it's not pretty. Her tantrums were always severe and obnoxious. She would slam doors, break things, and raise her voice. She was like a madwoman and not a lady from a noble house. I hated it. I hated her.

I hated every single thing she does.

She never did any of those today.. Even though she was truly angry, she was... calm. This wasn't the first time that we had bickered. We had fought before from the dumbest and smallest things, and it was awful. She was awful. There were even times that I wish she weren't my sister. Or she was, but better. Like the Nadia I knew.

But now, she was calm...

It was very different than before, but I don't find it weird. It was so like her and not her at the same time.

"Nathan," Ezekiel called.

I did not turn to him and continued staring at the door where Nadia left. Unbending.

Should I follow her? What would I say to her then? I...

"You shouldn't. Let her be for now," Ezekiel says as if he knows what I was going to do.

I frowned and look at him, wondering what he meant by that. If she's mad, then shouldn't I go and fix it? That's basic knowledge. Why is he saying that to me?

The others were looking at me as well, Conrad was even shaking his head.

"Man, why did you say that? She would obviously get mad you know," Conrad uttered and sighed.

Why is it me? I am just worried about her. Why would it be my fault? Nadia doesn't know how dangerous it will be. It's The Hunt, an accident could happen any time. Wild beasts are everywhere either, and not just any normal beasts. There are still monsters that lurked somewhere.

They might have read the confusion in my head and shook their heads even more.

"She seems very eager to go," that Noah guy mumbled.

Tch. This guy. I still find him annoying. How can he be so comfortable around my sister? Getting even too close to her... Tch.

Eon saw my glowering expression and scratched his head.

"C'mon Nathan, they're just friends."

Friends? A male friend? That doesn't sound right, does it?

Friend or not, he shouldn't casually hold someone's belongings. And he shouldn't hang around her like some annoying fly. I don't trust him one bit.

Noah sensed my gaze and paled.

See? He can't even stand up to me. If he wants to be my sister's friend, he should not be a wimp.

"Aw, man..." Luther muttered at the side.

Ezekiel glances at them before staring at me. When he's being like this, I know what would happen next. He's going to preach again...

"Nadia is part of the council. She may be your sister, but she has her duties as well. You can be protective of her all you want, but at least respect her decisions."

My forehead creased together, and he saw that. What is he saying now?

"I know you are worried about her, but I think you're being overprotective. She is a strong lady and we all know what she's capable of," he added and hinted a smile.

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