Chapter 70 - Party Preparations Pt. 3

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The second week had passed by. The list of guests is finally done, thank goodness, without any more changes. The invitations that we had ordered for customization had come as well, so I spent the next few days sifting through them and sending them all to their respective recipients.

Then for the dress. Adele had spent most of her time with me, asking for more details regarding the design. She had also added her own suggestions about the materials to be used. I told her she can do whatever she wants, as long as it comes out fine. After all that jazz, she and her team would now focus on creating it.

Apparently, she also closed her services for a while because she would focus on the making of my dress. I was surprised! Adele is the most prestigious designer in all of Rosenthal. Her, rejecting orders just like that, must mean that the money my father paid her is enough for her to confidently do that.

Moreover, my brother Nathan and my dad's suit will also be done with Adele and her team.. So aside from the money for my dress, dad had paid for theirs too. My dad is rich y'all!

"Freedom!" I voiced out as I lounged around the garden for the first time in the last two weeks.

I have been so busy that I have missed loitering around doing nothing. I did not know that I like being lazy until now. But eh, I like what I have been doing so far anyway.

"Milady, you have a dance lesson schedule for later," Mari then debunked me.

Of course, I truly have no time to spend on leisure and Mari just reminded me of that.

"Dance lesson..." I mumbled and silently groaned.

Is this the start of RIP to my feet? I would bet everything that it wouldn't just be a simple dance like just swaying your body side to side, and it sure as hell won't be twerking.

Is twerking simple? It amazes me how dancers shake their wiggly bits like that. What if I started twerking on the dance floor though? That would be hilarious!

I'm sure that the whole nobility would find it preposterous and vulgar, and would definitely put me in a stake.


My maids all looked at me, wondering why I just started giggling all of a sudden. Man, if they knew what goes on in my head, what would they think of me?

Erin refilled my tea as I gazed at the horizon, feeling peaceful. No matter how many times I have seen this scenery, it never ceases to amaze me. It's just, this all feels so surreal. When was the very first time I had come to this world? It felt like a dream by then and I was very incredulous from all that was happening.

I mean, who would know that they would get thrown into another world while they were sleeping, right? That stuff only happens in books and movies, it's not supposed to be real! It's fictional! A product of a pure fantasy... And here I am, experiencing it firsthand.

This just all seems so... unreal to me. I might not say it out loud or think of it, but deep inside, I had these thoughts that I might wake up one day and find myself back in my bed in the real world, and discover that these were all just a dream. What would I react by then?

Heh~ Am I being too sentimental now? But I can't help it. What if this wasn't real? What if I'm just having such a vivid long dream?

'Oh, what the heck! Why am I wasting my precious time thinking nonsensical stuff?'

"Milady, Countess Miller had arrived," Freesia announced, waking me up from my reverie.

My head turned to her. Right, Countess Miller is not just my etiquette mentor, but also my dance teacher. Today was the first day of my lessons with her, and I was a little excited because I have not seen her for quite a while.

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