Chapter 90 - The Game Plan

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I was now back in the mansion, looking like a horde of angry mobs was out to get me. My servants, even George, was surprised upon seeing me back so early when I had just left for like, probably 2 hours ago. They didn't ask why though...

It was because I was already storming inside my room before they could even open their mouths. As soon as I got there, I plopped my body on the bed, heaved a deep breath, and started screaming while punching the pillows. Erin was so shocked to see me like that, and perhaps the others as well, and started to panic.

They were asking me if I felt sick, or if something had happened during the time we were out, which led me to this.

Good thing that my shrieks got muffled by the futon or more people would have come here, wondering what the hell was happening to me, and probably overreact as well.

"Milady? Are you okay?" Erin asked worriedly when I did not stop rolling around the bed.


Really Nadia? Forcing him to take it? I seriously made a fool of myself...


"Why did I do that? Aassddkghjkll!!!" And started screaming again. After a while, I calmed down and laid there motionlessly, staring at the ceiling overhead.

'Goodness me, I just saw Lukas today. Lukas, the male lead... The Male Lead named Lukas... I saw him...'

I quickly sat up on the bed and stared at the wall.

"Why was he there in the first place?" I whispered.

Did the novel ever say that he has another house aside from the dukedom, and the one from the Main Capital? Why did I meet him there?

It was truly unexpected. I was unprepared. I never thought that out of all places, he was going to be there. I sound redundant, I know, but it's confusing me!

If I knew that he lived at that house, I wouldn't honestly go.

'All I ever thought was buying some birds and then it got me this... This meeting doesn't make sense at all...'

Or maybe it is because the future has changed.

Lukas should have only appeared during the Founding Ball, and his first appearance at that.

I bit my lower lip as I tried to think of something, of the novel plot. But just like any other times that I did, nothing comes to mind. It's as if my memory was being tampered, or something.

It's a miracle that I still know who the characters are and that I am existing inside the novel world right now. If I forget about that as well, what would have happened?

"But why can't I remember?" I uttered with breathless wonder.

It feels like a conspiracy to me now. Then again, it was just once, but the impact was great, so therefore, I should have still remembered.

I got up from the bed and started pacing the room, ignoring the five other people who then tactfully retreated to give me some privacy. It escaped my mind that there were others in the room aside from me, but I'm too far gone to think about it.

Countless times, I had halted on my steps, only to resume again. I was also biting my fingers as I think, and Kuro was watching me all the while.

"Ah!" I gasped out loud, "The thing!"

I recalled back to the time I was sent here. When I got to my senses, what was the first thing I did?

I snapped my fingers, "That's right! Visit the library!"

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