Chapter 16 - The Birth Of A Villainess

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I was on my way to the cafeteria all alone because Gwen, apparently, had something to do so she wasn't around and she would only be back later. This is the first time that I'm not with her since we started going to school and I had never felt so lonely until now.

It doesn't matter though! I am a strong independent girl!

Some noble girls that I passed with greeted me which I had gotten used to. It feels nice anyway...

My eyes scanned the surrounding, looking for an empty table or a seat, either of the two is fine. As I was striding towards the empty area I saw, someone called me so I turned towards whoever it was.

"Miss Nadia! Here!" A girl says.

The table was filled with other noble girls, they numbered seven, and there was an empty seat at the far corner. She was gesturing for me to sit with them and the others were all smiling at me in welcome.

Well, if they impose~ .

I walked towards their table and smiled at them in gratitude. In my eyes, they are already heaven-sent people. At least, I am not going to be alone fufufufu

"Thank you for letting me join~" I greeted and sat down next to a black-haired beauty.

One of them smiled warmly in return, and the others greeted me in friendly tones. This should be the norm!

"Miss Nadia, how come your friend isn't with you today?" A girl asked.

"Gwen is currently occupied with something, but she'll be here later!" I replied and sipped on my tea.

Two other girls looked at each other meaningfully, but remained silent, and just continued smiling. I was so engaged in my tea that I didn't notice some of them were glancing with one another.

"Hmm, but Miss Nadia sure looked different today," one girl remarked while squinting at me.

I blinked at her. "Do I? I didn't do anything different with myself though?"

Maybe there's dirt on my face that I didn't know? Heh, that would be embarrassing.

"You're right! She really looks different!" One chime in and stared at me.

The others started staring at me as well which I find very uncomfortable.


"Are you still sleeping properly, Miss Nadia? Your skin looks dull!" The girl on the far left suddenly announced and I almost spat out the tea I was drinking.

Excuse me?

"Ohh~ Now that you say that Chiwa Wa, she really looked tired!" Another one joins.

"Miss Nadia, you should take a rest sometimes! You're looking like some wilted flower now!" And another one.

The girl on my right started laughing as she looks me over.

"Maybe it's because of the color of the dress she's wearing that made her skin look dull," She snickers afterward. "Color red doesn't suit you, Miss Nadia, it's like, your blending in with your eyes which makes you very unnoticeable!"

One of the girls from earlier nods in agreement.

"I actually didn't notice her, walk in! Good thing Shie Tzu called her or I wouldn't know it was Miss Nadia!"

I sat there, not knowing what to feel. I was shocked, offended, and a little mad at the same time.

Like, what the hell? What's that supposed to mean?!

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