Chapter 165: Is It Fate? Or God is Playing? pt. 2

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Anyway, this truffle is delicious. I better buy more for my brother and the others, he will surely love this. And then maybe I'll buy some strawberry-flavored desserts for him too... Mhmm...

And milder sweets for both my dad and Kai because they are not a fan of sweet things after all. Probably something that has nuts in it...

"Uhm... Lady Nadia is not with her friends today?" Estelle suddenly asked.

I blinked after having my thoughts interrupted and glanced at Estelle who was sporting a somewhat hopeful look on her face for some reason.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. They are both busy and I was bored so..." I replied out of reflex.

There was silence again. I peeked at Estelle's side and saw her being restless as if she couldn't decide whether to speak again or not. My enthusiastic reply didn't really give no room for a proper conversation and ended just like that, spoiling the already stagnant atmosphere.

"Uhmm..." She mumbled. She would open her mouth and then close it again when words fail her. She kept repeating that but would give up without even starting anything.

Oh goodness me. This is so painful.

She really wants to open a casual talk with me but she couldn't because she's either too shy or she is just not good with it. Gosh, why is she so cute? Damn it.

"Th-the tea is nice..." She grumbled yet again.

"I agree," was my energetic response. Not.

I have no idea what happened, maybe because I got too conscious of her presence, that's why my answer is also flat. It's giving me second-degree pain.

Estelle got silent again, probably because I am such a boring conversation partner? What am I even supposed to say to her? It's not like I was planning to meet anyone here in the first place. I was out to be alone, for goodness' sake. And I really am not that close to her to know what kind of things she likes to talk about.

'Still, you could have done something to save the situation. Why must you answer as if your brain is asleep?' My inner goddess was chiding me, I tell you. She's having a sermon right now.

I looked at the timid woman in front of me. She was biting her lip as she thinks, not wanting to give up on the idea of talking. Her eyes were glued at the fork, prodding the pudding on her plate.

I kind of admire her tenacity, it's such a good trait to have. Although it's also amusing to see her try so hard, it makes the sadistic side of me to want to tease her or something...

"Nnn..." that was still Estelle, by the way.

'Aww... She's really doing her best!'

Let me help her then.

"Are you out on a walk as well? Where's your other friend?" I asked, deciding to not let the atmosphere go more placid than it already is. If we continue eating in uncomfortable silence, we'll just end up having an upset stomach because we couldn't digest the food.

That would definitely suck, so no.

Estelle perked up. Her reaction reminded me of a rabbit so much it's kind of funny. And cute... yeah, cute...

"O-oh! Vivienne? Well, she is getting married so she's busy with her lessons," she replied. I could practically see her shake in excitement.

One of my brows raised.


Wow. Everyone is getting married around me huh?

Is the heavens sending me a sign or what? Maybe the Gods are telling me that I should get tied down and shut my sorry self inside the house of my supposed husband? They must be sick of seeing me doing as I please...

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