Chapter 6

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The following morning begins with a young boy distributing news to the vast Kingdom of Hearth. “The Funeral for our late King and coming of our new Tyrant King!” a headline is read aloud. The funeral ceremony would be held in the throne room once the repairs were done.

     Days pass by as the number of citizens in the kingdom grow fewer and fewer. Many say their final good-byes for Adin at a makeshift ceremony made along the riverside of a place known as Jop's River the night before the official ceremony.

     Travis was aware of this and decided to attend in secret; hidden under a cloak and veil. He knew the people would do this and it hurt him to know that they despised his company this much. But, he still wanted to be a part of it with them.

     On the day of the funeral in the throne room. No one attended and so Travis spent his time before the painted picture of the King, reflecting on the years he did get to spend with his father.

     King Adin would take time with the young boy each day, even when the days were occupied by his sworn duty as King; the man would always find a way to make time for his son.

     Travis was a much bolder person then. Some times he would end up saying things to the people in the Kingdom if they mocked an announcement made by his father.

     These short insults could border from “Trespassers!” to calling them “Ungrateful” but, the people never gave much attention to the berating of the child. Despite the bratty nature of the boy at times. Adin did much to teach him his place in the Kingdom as Prince.

     “Observe your father, see my success, see my failings and learn from it all. Lead better.” Travis thinks back on the words his father would speak to him during days before the rumors, when the people entered the throne room; seeking their King’s counsel.

     Travis sits on the stairs below the throne with his eyes closed, thinking about the past. Not too long later did the sound metal scraping against the stone floor interrupt his thoughts. Logan and Damen enter through the large doors while conversing with one another.

     “The Throne is right behind you, you misplaced bum! Sit there!” Logan shouts to Travis while gestering his hands at the royal seat.

     “The people aren’t coming to the funeral, they all decided to hold a separate service themselves.” Travis states as he rises to his feet from the stairs.

     “That’s to be expected, but don’t let that dampen your mood. The funeral is about celebrating your father’s moments in the lives of his people and those connected. Even if that only means you and I.” Logan expresses loudly and continues.

     “Today is also a celebration of a sort for another reason. Damen will be taken under my wing as an apprentice Seer.” the older Seer announces as he pats Damen on the shoulder. Damen walks up to Travis and bows.

     “I thought you were retiring? Or, rather I hoped…” Travis remarks disappointingly and speaks the other half of the sentence under his breath.

     “Sounds like you were hoping I would. That would not be in your best interest. You’ve been through so much that it’d be heartless of me to leave you so ignorant. In other words, you’re hopeless without my wisdom.” Logan belittles him.

     Travis kicks dust from the floor at Logan’s shoes for the insulting remark. Logan’s eye twitches as the immaculate shine of his shoes are blotted out by the sheet of dust. “And you wonder why I’m so sadistic…” the Seer sneers.

     “So you’ll be an official Seer, Damen?” Travis ask curiously as he looks over Damen’s attire. The young Seer wears a button-up shirt that has a scarf tied under the collar and long straight pants. “I’ll be your Seer, Travis.” he adds, correcting the young man.

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