Chapter 13

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The situation does not go as planned with Grantham and the band all divided throughout the kingdom to evacuate its citizens. The people begin fighting back and refuse to follow their orders.

     Meanwhile, Travis makes his way to the source of the coming dilemma. Walking forward, he tries to think of what way may be best in handling this unpredictable situation.

     On one hand, he could wait until the threat reaches the kingdom and force the people to flee by witnessing the dangers for themselves. In this matter he could save them right before their very eyes and regain the support of the masses in that moment.

     But in choosing this, the people would possibly see Damen and demand his execution; after the matter settles. Putting Damen at risk of the blame was out of the question. The coming destruction was something that stood outside of the young Seer’s choice.

     Travis knew the choice he had to make. He must quell the threat this power of Corruption brings to the kingdom before the people could witness the body of who it was that brought potential adversity. Most of all, freeing Damen from the spirit he is channeling.

     The young man stands far from the outer quarters of the kingdom in the grassy plains. There he awaits the coming trouble. “It has been a good day so far… The Blessing has not set off on me, yet. And I have gained some new allies by making an alliance with Grantham and the other Fetching Owls.”

     Travis stares at the approaching silhouette among the dust cloud. “Let’s finish the evening off on a good note by bringing my loyal believer back.”

     Damen’s body trudges onward at a slow pace. His body is finally in visible range as the dust is whipped away by the shadows. A shadow whips itself towards Travis and rips the shoulder of his shirt.

     “Hey, don’t attack me! I’m here to help you!” he yells looking at the damage done to himself. Travis turns back and gets a clearer look at Damen. “Who…? That’s not actually you, is it…Damen?” he says with a tremble in his voice.

Corruption leaving nothing undamaged…


     Damen’s haggard body moves with him hunched over as he paces forward. His skin pale, almost lifeless and dark bags that have begun to form under his eyes. The clothes on his back are tattered like tassels and covered in a speckled array of dried blood stains.

     Yet, the one thing that stands out most of all to Travis. The sclera of his eyes were a deep black that spilled out like paint along his eye lids and brow.

     “So, how do I approach this…?” Travis asks himself. Derrick the spirit answers the question with a slow reverberating voice. “You don’t…so move…along…” Damen’s body twitches from his left shoulder, causing him to hunch over more. Two streams of shadows crawl down from his arm and reach out to Travis.

     The startled young man hops back and rolls out of the way as the shadows continue their pursuit. Damen’s body lets out a disgruntled sigh in pain as the shadows grip themselves along Travis’s leg. He digs his nails into the ground, kicks his leg back and fights against the tug.

     “Wait! Weren’t you looking for your son?” Travis shouts to the spirit. Damen’s head turns ever slowly towards Travis. “My…son…?”

     The body comes to a leisurely pause as the shadows drag Travis closer to Damen, hanging the captured prince upside down a feet above the ground. The ground beneath them has the life drained out of it by an unknown force.

Beating (Book 1: Acts of the Hearth)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant