Chapter 23

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The mother Warg stares down the group and growls fiercely. “Travis, what is she doing? She seemed perfectly okay with us just a second ago.” Vivian ask as she keeps her hand near her saber.

     “Well, well, well, looks like someone is seeing the true colors of these beast.” Damen adds as he draws the sword from at his hip. Travis quickly grabs his wrist and forces him to place the sword back in the sheathe at his side.

     “There is no need for violence. Bell means well.” the young prince states calmly. “Can you both sit down around me, please? We just need to get some of the things bothering us off of our hearts. Bell is protecting us from the threat ahead.” the young man explains to them.

     The two reluctantly sit, after being asked by Travis. In a similar triangle formation to their combat one, they all sit a good distance from one another; facing away from each other.

     Bell jumps to the center of the triangle and paces the lined distance between the three. “I can’t relax like this…! Why are our backs to this wild thing?” Damen exclaims as he constantly looks out the corners of his eyes.

     “I read a book on Wargs some time before my Uncle stole the throne. They were at one point used to guide and stabilize the wild emotions of people. Just by being around them, you’d feel calmer and more secure.” Travis explains.

     “Well, I feel neither calm nor secure. So this one must not be one of those fantasized pets.” Damen complains as he turns around to look at Bell.

     “You know, you’ve been real grumpy since we entered these woods. Did something crawl up your ass again?” Vivian retorts, turning around to face Damen. The young Seer turns away from her. “That’s a real low blow, but what could I expect from the bitter orphaned bitch...” Damen presses.

     Vivian rises up and walks over to Damen. The Warg pups jump in front of the two and bark at them. Travis sighs and remains seated.

     “Sit back down you two. This is why I didn’t tell you all about my knowledge of these woods. I wanted you both to experience it yourselves.” the young man states. “The Dire Wargs here counter the provoking effects known as Hollow Beat syndrome. It causes fits of unhinged anger and irritability, but only if you're experiencing negative emotions involving insecurity.” he finally explains.

     “Right now, you two are not yourselves because something is bothering you. But, only you two can know what the cause is.” he continues. Bell walks up to her pups that stand before the two. The pups bump their heads against the ankles of Vivian and Damen; pushing them back to their spots.

     The two reluctantly sit back down. The large Warg walks to the center of the triangle once more with a deep sigh of her snout. “So what do we do, now that we’re seated?” Damen asks looking ahead. “We let Bell decide who airs out their troubles and insecurities first. The others listen and wait until she lets them know it’s their turn.” Travis says facing forward.

     Behind the three, Bell begins pacing once more. They each listen as her paws press into the soil, revealing her distance by the approaching sound. “Ah! Is that the signal?” Vivian yelps after Bell presses her paw against the young woman’s neck. Vivian sighs and shakes her head. “I’m no good at expressing soft emotions around others…” Bell continues to poke Vivian with her paw pad. “Okay, okay I get it! I’ll talk!” Vivian exclaims after a few moments.

     “Damen…how can you talk to Travis? You blamed yourself for everything that happened and yet you still went to face him after that. Somehow, you’ve seemed to just brush it all off… How did you do it?” the young woman questions him.

     Damen remains silent until Bell places her paw against his neck. “How? Because Grantham made it clear that my bitching wouldn’t change anything. Because…I’m looking to the future, not just as Travis’s Seer, but as a citizen of Hearth. I know it was my body that decimated the kingdom. I know what my abilities are now and I plan to use them to help my friend.”

     “I face him now, despite my guilt, because I want to see a future like the one in my visions.” the young Seer ends his sentence. The large Warg paces back over to Vivian and taps her neck once again. “Shouldn’t Travis get a turn too? Think about how he must be feeling.” Bell growls at Vivian from behind.

     “Okay, fine, I’m going!” she yells as she leans forward away from Bell. “I’ve been having a hard time facing you lately, Travis. It’s not because I’m afraid of you for being a Zae. I’m just…not sure how to apologize for what I said to you, after your transformation at the throne room.”

     “Your mom told me all about the burdens of a Zae…and I couldn’t forgive myself for the pain my words caused you. You weren’t yourself and I couldn’t see that.” Bell taps her neck after she finishes talking. “Again?! Fine! I’m sorry…” Vivian says tearing up. “I’m just so ashamed that I added on to your suffering after you had already been through so much.” she finishes with sniffling.

     Travis listens to the shake in Vivian’s voice. Bell walks to him and pats his neck. “Why are you apologizing to me? Yeah, it hurt to hear that from you. But, I’m happy to see that I know someone who won’t let me act that way without addressing me.” the young man remarks with a smile.

     “I lost my father by adoption to my Uncle. I destroyed the soul of my father by birth to save Damen. Then, I…had to—had to take my mom’s soul so I’d never lose myself to the soul of Zae that was born with me…”

     “It’s definitely not been a fun month. But, I am grateful to The Only for you, Damen and all the people who stuck by my side after knowing what I come from and what I’ve done. If your words ever truly hurt me, I’ll let you know, I promise.” Travis says this as the Sure-Fire begins burning the tips of his fingers.

     Damen and Vivian sniff the air and notices the familiar scent of burning flesh. “I am with you Travis. Don’t expect me to leave when your future looks this interesting.” Damen calls out. Bell barks back at Damen for talking without her signal. “Quiet you old bitch!” he shouts as he stands to his feet.

     Vivian remains seated. “I’m along for the ride too. I’ll do my part to chew your Royal ass out and keep you in check. So, stop doubting! You aren’t alone. We won’t ever let you be alone.” she expresses loudly.

     Tears trickle down Travis’s face at the memory of the words his mother once invoked in him. Since her death, he had not heard those warm words once in his time of loneliness. Hearing the similar words from Vivian, of all his allies in their own words, comforts his troubled and lonely heart.

     Bell walks before the seated young man. Travis hugs her head as she starts to lap up his tears. The large Warg licks up to his eye lids. Flicking them up with each lick. “Bell stop! That hurts!” the young man cries out while laughing.

     The three all stand up with the Warg standing beside Travis. The young man looks down at her. “What do you think, Bell? I think we’re ready to go now. Will you lead the way?” Travis declares. The large Warg wags her tail and walks ahead of the group into the area of trees with the red speckled leaves.

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