Chapter 16

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Travis has placed an infliction similar to the Sure-Fire upon the people inside the castle of Hearth. Some of the people suffer with burns far pass their forearms. The infliction indiscriminately attacks all; including children.

     Without warning, a lone Wyvern flies into the decimated throne room and lands atop the thrones. The thrones for the Kingdom of Hearth, tumble aimlessly down the dark abyss as the wyvern from the dried lands stands before Travis and all those in the castle.

     Among piles of broken pieces of debris and glass; Travis rises up while gripping his head with the hand that carried Vivian.

     “Why? Why have you done this, mother?!” he shouts up to the wyvern. Vivian turns to the wyvern and then to Travis. “So that’s who this thing is?” The wyvern stares down at Travis. It’s eyes are wide open as the creature snarls softly and folds it’s wings against itself.

     “Our boy…the soul, your Zae…has finally awakened. But you are not in control of yourself. In this manner, you are not fit for the throne and unfit to lead.” the wyvern speaks to all within the castle, so that they may hear.

     The people are frozen stiff with fear greater than what Travis’s transformation provided.

     “Shut-up! I am more than fit to—” the wyvern roars loudly interrupting him, but the only one who is effected by the sound is Travis. He falls to his knees groaning as the infliction on the people ceases.

     Wings similar to the wyvern’s sprout from out the back of his robe. Travis then raises his head and looks around. “Ugh… What have I been doing…?” he says with a sense of confusion.

     “Wait…those burns. Did I do all of this…?” the young man questions as he turns his head around to look at the people. The wyvern snarls at him and breathes strongly from its nostrils.

     “We have granted you temporary freedom from your awoken spirit of Zae… Now We can have a proper talk with Our son…”


The weighty decision of the blessed…


     Travis and the wyvern stand in the throne room. He looks back at the people and the severity of their burns. Quickly, he turns away from them.

     “Don’t you dare look away! You did this to them! They fled here because they had nowhere else to go for safety!” Vivian shouts at Travis and continues to do so. “We brought them here just like you asked! Everyone put their trust in you! Even if it was just to save themselves!”

     “So, why? Why did you do this to them?!” the young woman yells harshly. The young man keeps his eyes averted from the people.

     “This is no good. She interrupts Our talk…” The wyvern kneels it’s head down to Vivian. She steps back as the breath from its nostrils blow back her hair.

     “We must talk before the Will We have placed wears down.” The wyvern snaps it’s head around and grips Vivian in their mouth.

     “Seek Us. We must encourage Our son on what he needs done.

     Vivian yells and the wyvern takes flight, then dives down the hole where the thrones fell. Travis looks down the hole and watches as the wyvern disappears into the darkness.

     The sound of its wings rushing through the air immediately goes silent after a few seconds. Vivian looks up to watch the light at the top of the hole grow smaller and smaller as they dive.

Beating (Book 1: Acts of the Hearth)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz