Chapter 19

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Damen travels together with Grantham, Vivian and Ode as they walk to the remains of the castle. Unlike the rest of the Kingdom, the castle has a few remaining pillars that are damaged, but mostly still standing.

     Despite all the destruction, the debris from the castle continues to make it a decorative landmark. The young Seer notices a hooded figure laying on the ground with their head against a broken pillar.

     “There he is… Grantham, can you sit me next to Travis?” Damen ask the man helping him walk. The large man walks with him to the broken pillar. Damen situates himself to be seated atop the pillar. The young Seer looks down at Travis with a look of shame and sadness.

     “Logan told me how agonizing it can be to work for a King of Hearth. Yet, I don’t feel that way when I imagine you as King. You’re hopeful, but oftentimes willful; in a good way.” the young Seer pauses for a moment, then continues, “At least that’s how you are in my visions… I’m sorry for letting you down.”

     Travis wakes up and pulls his hood from off of his head. “What a weird dream…” he says looking up at the sky. The hooded young man tilts his head back further and notices Damen.

     “Oh! So they did find you. That’s comforting. How are you holding up?” Travis ask him. The young Seer atop the pillar sighs deeply. “I’ve been better, my prince…”

     The two talk awkwardly with each other for a short while. Both feel uncomfortable about events done by their bodies without their control. “What is it like when you have those visions? Not the ones about me, just the unrelated ones.” Travis ask, breaking the air of the awkward situation.

     Damen looks at the destruction around him and takes it in. “It’s like watching moving images happen before you and never knowing how the story will go, until it ends. It is…entertaining, that much can be said. But, lately it has been frightening.” the young Seer expresses with a light chuckle.

     “Has there ever been a time that you were playing a part freely in them?” Travis ask staring off into the seemingly endless destroyed landscape. “No, they are simply images playing of the future. I wish I played a part in influencing them. That…that would be something.” Damen responds.

     The wind howls during their conversation.

     Damen quickly jumps up from the pillar, then hops on one leg. “Dammit, my leg fell asleep! We need to get to work on making chairs, as soon as possible.” the young Seer complains before speaking again. “I…had a vision earlier today, actually.” Travis turns around to face him. “Well, let’s hear it. I could definitely use some certainty of a future after this.”

     Damen tells Travis of the vision, the young man ponders over its meaning.

The stragglers attempting to remain positive during the aftermath…


     Vivian watches as Travis and Damen talk. “Hypocrite! And what of your words? Did they not also cause him suffering?!” the words from the mother wyvern come back to her. “I should probably go apologize…”

     Vivian walks over to the two. Damen looks at her as Travis looks down at the ground. The young woman notices this and hesitates to speak. She instead chooses to sit against the pillar with them.

     “So, you’re sure you know the place in my vision?” Damen ask looking down at Travis. “Yeah, I’m sure it’s the area pass the Calling Forest. It’s a place I visited during my Royal Venture. Although, I only ended up there because I went the wrong way.” the young man responds back.

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