Chapter 10 - Where true freedom lie

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I lead Mui and Tevlin back toward the fray, each of them armed with a weapon and taking out any member of the cults that we could find. I glanced left and right searching for Erza and the other but it was hard to see in the chaos and disarray that was taking place all around us.

"I can't find the others," I told Mui, not keeping the worry out of my voice.

"They must have rallied at the Central Tower," he answered giving me a glance.

A loud boom echoed in the distance and I turned my attention toward it and found that it was coming from one of the side opposite of where I was. That must be where the others location.

"C'mon, let's go," I told them.

The entire group followed after us, running down the hallway. I was pressed for time and I wanted to help the rest by joining more people into the fight so that we can push off the cult members. I reached the top of the hallway and noticed the group wasn't fighting anymore as they stood together all of them holding weapons.

"Everyone," I called.

They turned their attentions toward my call and as I ran down to join them.

"I guess Sector 3 and 4 have been freed," a man said.

"Right, we might actually do this," another said.

"Eve," a familiar voice called.

I turned my attention toward it and noticed Wally waving at me, accompanied by Millianna and Sho. I quickly approached them, relieved to see that they were safe.

"Hey guys," I told them.

"I thought we lost you back there," Wally said, giving me a grin as he put the shovel he was holding upon his shoulder, "But it seems that you have gone and cause more trouble for them."

I grinned at him.

"Well, we are fighting our way out of here; I thought that the more we have on our side, the better the odds are in our favors."

I then glanced around, noticing Millianna but...

"Say…where is Erza and Simon?"

Wally pointed toward where the redhead girl was, with her shield and sword talking about something with Simon and for some odd reason, she looked like she was blushing at whatever Simon had asked her. I frowned to myself, wondering what the hell they were talking about when a suddenly light flashed from the corner of my eyes…


The explosion took place right where the two were standing and to my horror I saw Simon flying away and I can see blood falling from his lips and Erza had stumbled back from the sudden attack…

"Simon," I yelled running forward along with Wally beside me.

I reached toward where boy had fallen and I notice that he was completely knocked out from that attack. I kneeled beside him and in shock worried to death if he was still alive and took notice of the odd angle his jaw was placed…

Oh no, not him too.

"Simon," Wally said.

"Just where did that attack came from?" a voice asked.

"Everyone, look," Millianna said, pointing toward something in the air.

I turned my attention toward where she was pointing and feel a shill ran down my back. A group of floating, skeletal beings were approaching us with their eyes hidden by some kind of mask upon their face. They were all purple color and all of them were floating toward us, their jaws opening wider than any normal mouths could.

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