Chapter 85 - Edolas

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The excitement that Gildarts had brought over when he came had started to get blown over by now. I hadn't gone on Jobs yet, still enjoying the little break I had given myself since last week. I received some mail from Samara recently talking to me about the problems that Kingstrail family had given her own family had finally resolve itself and that Mui had stayed with her for a few days…

I smiled thinking about them so far and I made my way toward the guild this late morning, finding Gajeel there. The Dragon Slayer seems to be searching for something by the dumpsters, so I made my way toward where he, wanted to see what he was up to.

"Hey, Gajeel,"

The surprised him causing the guy to jump in shock smacking his head against the wall he was leaning toward and the Dragon Slayer tuned his attention toward me.

"What's the big idea…sneaking upon me like that?"

I blinked in surprised.

"I didn't sneak up on you," I told him, "You were the one that weren't paying attention."

Gajeel let out a sigh massing his head and as I observed him, I noticed scratchs upon his face. I leaned closer, recongnizing them as cat claw marks. How did this happen to him?

"Er…Gajeel, why is your face all scatched up like that?" I asked him.

"None of your business," he snapped before walking away leaving me staring at his back.

I blinked at his retreating back, raising an eyebrow. That was strange of him to have scratch upon his face and even stranger that he was digging out in this old parts. What could he have been looking for anyway?

Out of curiosity, I made my way toward where I have seen him looking and took in a few felines that were moving about. Streets cats, and from the look of it, they were quite a lot of them probably six or seven…

He got cat stracthes upon his face…what was he searching…?

I frowned to myself, trying to think about it but I couldn't come up for a reason as to why Gajeel would be digging out in the dumpsters so I simply shrugged my shoulders and continued my treck up toward the guild.

Then the sun started to get blocked out, drawing my attention toward the sky and I can see the dark clouds appearing above. They had been a few showers in the past week and now that it's mid November by now, I would have expected a few numbers of them. In Canada, it tends to rain a lot around this month before the snow moved in…

I wonder if Earth Land is similar in a way.

They were a few sound of thunder echoing above.

From the way that sounds, there is a huge storm coming, I thought, And here I was thinking of going on a Job today...

When I reached the guild it had started to pour, and I was almost drenched in a minutes. I made my way inside running a hand through my hair as I glanced at how the guild was. Everyone was still lazing about, probably having some changes of plans considering how hard it suddenly had started to rain.

I glanced around finding Lucy looking out of a window along with the rest of the gang, though all that was missing was Erza. I made my way toward them and took a seat before stretching out.

"Hey," the blonde greeted, "I didn't think you'd come in today with the rain and all."

"I was thinking of going out for a Job," I told her, "But the rain caught me when I was half way there."

Lucy smirked.

"That's explain the sword on your back eh?"

I patted the handle of RuneSave.

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