Chapter 179 - Carnage

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Chapter Cover: Erza dressed in a simple dress with her long hair flying behind her as a gentle smile was upon her lips.

Oak town was still the same as it had always had been when Phantom Lord used to be in the city as a guild. The same old building, and the similar people that were walking around as they went on about their days and even a few of them were smiling to them as they were moving on about their lives. I made my way straight toward where Miyu's new house was and Sakura was walking with me the young woman had a small smirk upon her face.

"So what is it that is so important that Miyu needed to see me as soon as I got back?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"You know Miyu isn't one to get some time off," she said, with a light shrug, "Ever since she had gotten the part to work at the Hospital. She couldn't stay here all the time and even took some time off to go at the Games."

"She really worked herself too hard huh?"

"I think it was mostly to get used to you being gone," Sakura told her.

We approached the house and I was still wondering what she needed to see me about. When she had left Crocus a little way before the Ball and I was a little sad that she had managed to disappear that quickly without even saying much of a goodbye…thought, I could understand how work can be demanding most of the time.

I was the one who reached the door first and opened it, stepping into the building. I made my way toward the main entrance and came to a stop as a lot of people were standing across me and a shout of "SURPRISE," calling out to me. I actually jumped back at the shout staring at the group in front of me with surprise running through me and I was sure that my mouth was open.

Hanging in the air was a banner with the letters HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVE written in bold letters and I couldn't stop but be even more shocked at the sight. I couldn't say anything as Miyu approached toward me with a large grin on her face.

"Hey Eve," she greeted, taking me into a hug, "Happy birthday."

I dumbly returned the hug, "I…How…?"

"Well we have Erza to thank for that," Sakura said with a small smile as she came to a stand beside me.

I turned my gaze toward her.

"Erza?" I repeated, "What does she have to do with everything?"

"Well, she told us about your birthday," Sakura said, "And Miyu went ahead to get all of this ready for when you come back."

"All of this…?" I whispered.

"And she hadn't done this alone you know," Totomaru said approaching forward.

I turned to glance at the man, my eyes wide open at the man across me. He still had this light bear upon his face as he was staring at me but he wasn't alone. He had his wife Mai with him and the other woman had this light smile upon her face as she approached toward me as well. The woman took me into a strong hug and I could smell the familiar perfume that I had become accustomed with during my stay at the Samurai Compound.

"Happy birthday," she said.

"Thanks," I said.

She stepped back with that small smile upon her face.

"You were amazing during the Games you know that," she said, "during your fights I feel like seating on the edge of my seat at how intense they were. I had no idea that you were this powerful."

"Me neither," Totomaru smirked, "Your fight with Kagura was my favorite…thought, I never expected you to take on Jura on the first day."

I laughed.

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