Chapter 152 - The Third day

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Chapter Cover: Wendy and Carla walking together in the streets of Crocus and behind them was Eve along with Natsu and Lucy.

"Eve…Eve can you hear me?"

The voice was coming from right beside my ear as I slowly came back to consciousness. I could feel that I was lying down upon the ground and someone was softly tapping against my cheek to gain me to open my eyes again, and that was what I did. The sky above me was filled with floating white tiles causing me to blink in confusion at what I was seeing before I turned my attention to the side toward the person that was beside me.

It was Inner Eve.

Her golden eyes were staring down at me with worry visible in their depths. Noticing that I was awake, relief took place of the worry that was on her features, thought, she still has concern written upon her face.

"How are you feeling?" she asked tentatively.

I blinked at the question, but I couldn't sense any pain coming from my body. I frowned to myself puzzled at how painless everything felt to me. I had expected to wake up with pain still coursing through my veins like liquid fire…but there was nothing.

"I don't feel any pain," I told her, seating up, "Did you pull me inside my head again?"

She shook her head.

"No…you came here yourself," she said, "Maybe it was instinct to retreat to a place that you can no longer feel any pain."

I let out a soft sigh.

"I see," I murmured.

I stayed silent thinking about what had happened just a few minutes ago where that woman had used that strange spell upon me. It felt like my body was being destroyed from within and it was the most terrifying things that had ever happened to me…not even that time when I received the scar upon my cheek by that slaver scared me that much.

Then my eyes were drawn toward Inner Eve who was still kneeling beside me.

"How are you out of the Mirror?" I asked, curious.

She glanced behind her and I did so. The Mirror still stood like an unmoving wall and it was rippling like the surface of water. It was always mystifying when it was doing something like that thought I never actually paused and look at it before. It made me wonder why it was so agitated and as I continued to observe the Mirror, something struck me as odd…

"Did the Mirror get…smaller or am I imagining things?"

Inner Eve glanced at the Mirror a look crossing her features before returning toward me.

"No…you aren't imagining anything," she said softly, "I used it's power to help you…well, it's really your power."

I stared at her, surprised.

"Why?" I asked shocked.

She turned her gaze toward me.

"That spell that woman used on you…whatever it was," she said, "It was killing you…even after Laxus had stopped her, and since I didn't want you to die I had to use it's power to save your life…but it accelerated your change a little bit."

I stared at her.

"Accelerated in what context?" I asked, "I haven't grown a tail have I?"

She shook her head.

"Your ears have gotten a little longer than before," she said, "And there is the slit in your eyes as well as the nails…"

I stared at my hands noticing that she was telling the truth. My nails had become unnaturally sharpened but that wasn't the only difference I felt within me. The familiar feeling of magic was coursing through my body as well but it felt different than before…and it felt exactly like how it usually felt when I first felt my Demon Slaying magic coursing through my veins.

Child Of Heaven (Fairy Tail Erza x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora