Chapter 13

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---------------Percy's POV: ----------------

It's been a few days since I'd had a decent conversation with Damien.

Recently he seemed to be off in his own world, that or he was ignoring me. Neither one seemed like a nice reason.

When in class he'd keep his answers brief, not starting a conversation unless required to. It was weird and a bit off-putting and I would be lying if I said that it didn't hurt more than I was letting on.

I stared at my teacher mindlessly, my head resting on my hand as I drowned out her speaking with my own thoughts. My mind drifted off somewhere like I was thinking but not about anything in particular. Almost like I wasn't really here.

Damien sat beside me, writing diligently as he kept his eyes trained on his paper. Usually, he'd manage to make room for a note or two but today, just like the 4 days before, it was once again radio silence with no particular reason.

I let out a short huff before raising my hand. The teacher took a moment to actually acknowledge my presence, maybe she hoped I would give up. Once she realized I wouldn't she let out an annoyed sigh and pointed to me.


"I need to go to the bathroom." The teacher pursed her lips as if disgusted by the thought.

"Really?" I nodded, already pushing my chair back, the screeching filling the quiet room.

"Fine, but hurry back, this is important stuff you're missing." I didn't acknowledge, instead, I raised my hand in an almost wave before exiting the classroom, already hearing the muffled continuation of her rambling from the other side. I turned back to find Damien's eyes planted on my back, when our eyes met his face deadpanned and he turned back to his notes.

If it wasn't true before, he was definitely ignoring me now. I turned before beginning to walk. I really didn't need to use the bathroom but all the words on the board coupled with the big words were making my head swirl uncomfortably and I really needed to disconnect for a while.

I shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked the length of the halls, listening intently to each footstep that echoed slightly through the halls. If it were a different time I would've walked into the bathroom and called Annabeth but I knew she was in class and the unexpected call would be less than ideal. Unlike me, I knew Annabeth was having a good time in classes. She liked all this stuff where I on the other hand only seemed to find interest in marine biology which my science teacher would sneak into a few of her lectures.

Before I knew it I was near the office. I stared at the shiny wooden door, the lighting around the door seemed to nearly darken as if something ominous were inside.

I paused, feeling a weird dip in my stomach. I waited a moment before the door swung open, a student walked in, giving me a brief look before continuing but that wasn't what worried me. Behind him I spotted Jason, he was talking to the lady at the desk with a charming smile.

I didn't move, he turned just as the door shut, his eyes mere milliseconds away from making contact with mine. I let out a sigh of relief I hadn't known I'd been holding.

I needed to get back to class, it would be suspicious if I was out for much longer.

I turned on my heel, my gaze turning to where I'd come from before I spotted Damien, his walk quickly paced and his face angrier than before. He'd obviously spotted me before but by the looks of it he wasn't intent on having a conversation, forget even a hi or bye.

I turned my eyes to the side, lowering my head as I walked forwards, heading towards him. As he passed me I could feel his gaze planted firmly on me as if trying to unravel anything I was hiding.

Once he was fully past me I stopped, turning again to watch him.

He was near the door when my mouth decided to speak without my permission. "What's wrong Damien?" I asked, my voice quiet but I know he heard me as he stopped walking, his grip tightening on the straps of his backpack.

"Nothing Percy." He retorted, his voice nothing short of cold.

"It's obviously not nothing," I grumbled frustration sinking into my voice, embodying what I'd been feeling.

He turned to me, eyes flaring for a moment before cooling. I felt my brows furrow as he came down from the short spike of anger. "I said nothing Percy, just leave it alone." He went to turn again.

"Yeah, like you're leaving me." His eyes shot back to me. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm not oblivious Damien, I know when someone doesn't want me around, I'd just rather you'd tell me next time. Cut the fluff and disappointment, I'd rather know straight out." I hadn't realized I'd raised my voice until the silence came flooding back into my ears like waves. I looked away, his expression was giving me nothing and it was only making me more aggravated that I couldn't read him. "I didn't even do anything" I let out a huff before turning, keeping my head down, and putting my hands back in my pockets as I heard the door shut behind me.

I was alone again. It was nothing new.

I listened to the quiet thudding of my footsteps as they echoed soundlessly against the tile.

I ignored the tear rolling down my cheek, instead evaporating it. I wouldn't waste tears on something so stupid.


964 words

Sorry for posting after so long, lots of stuff have been dumped on my shoulder including a massive test but I managed to write a few chapters (not all for this book) and I'll be releasing them in certain intervals. Anyways, please hang in there lol and I wish you all the best!

Have a good morning, day, or night!


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