Chapter 29

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—————— Percy's POV: ——————

I nearly stumbled out the car, the light was way too bright this early in the morning. Damian turned back to look at me after I let out a small yet quiet noise, my own personal way of trying to keep myself from face planting on my first day back to school in a few weeks.

"You okay?" He asked, concern clear on his face. Damian had been clear in his knowing that I'd not gotten enough sleep. He'd been asking me about it all morning, despite my many clear attempts to not talk about it. Alfred also seemed to know but he was a lot more hidden in his concern.

"Yeah." I finally said, trying my best to shake off the sleepiness.

I caught up with Damian quickly, the extra weight in my bag from an actual lunch not slowing me down. In fact, the extra weight made me glad, because now I was sure I had food.

"You wanna get to class early? Maybe you can take a ten minute nap or something." Damian asked, sticking close to my side. I could see his eyes scanning the crowd, his weariness made me anxious and I found my body becoming more alert as I looked around quickly. Whatever Damian was looking for had to have been something worth looking out for.

My eyes scanned quickly and meticulously, I could feel the pain from tensing while already tired hitting me but I needed to be aware.

"Percy?" My eyes finished scanning, but I'd found nothing worth noting. Despite my lack of findings I couldn't untense. I turned to Damian who was watching me with an angry expression. I felt myself slowly lean away from him as we walked inside.


"Did you hear me?" I thought back to what I'd heard before remembering to actually answer.

"Right, uh yeah, but I don't need a nap." I watched him shake his head.

"You should just admit that you're tired." Damian said, his tone less forgiving. "There's no use in trying to hide it." I clenched my jaw as I placed my hands around my backpack straps, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"I'm not tired." I said with finality. To make sure it truly was the end of the conversation I hurried my pace to keep ahead of him.

I was inside the classroom before he was, I managed to scan the room and I found that there were only a few kids scattered about, no one was talking so the classroom was perfectly silent.

I found my seat by the window and placed my backpack to the side. I went to lower my head when I saw Damian enter the room. Immediately I raised my head and forced myself to be attentive.

Damian sat down quietly beside me, already pulling out his notebook to answer the question on the board. I looked over to see what's written on the whiteboard but the teacher's awful handwriting combined with the fact I was dyslexic made everything look like a bunch of squiggly trash.

I decided I'd just wait till she inevitably asked the question aloud to which I'd write it quickly and answer it just as fast.

I tapped my foot against the floor as I carefully pulled my phone out of  my backpack and tapped the screen quickly, keeping my contact with the device as minimal as possible. The screen lit up and I spotted Annabeth's name at the bottom.

I quickly picked up the phone and began reading. Luckily I managed to read it with little difficulty as I had the hephaestus kids hack the phone to make everything appear in Ancient Greek. It cost me some trading of outside resources, namely snacks from the city, but it was worth it in my opinion.


-Hey Percy, how're you? Are you adapting to your new home well?

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