Chapter 68

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------------ Percy's POV: --------------

"Just sit there for a moment while I set everything up." Alfred spoke carefully as he laid out a metal tray with various tools spread across it. I nodded, pulling myself up onto the bed, my room now a makeshift hospital room. I'd only been back for one full day and nearly the entire time Alfred had insisted on giving me a check up, especially after the whole war talk. Apparently Alfred was the homebound doctor here.

I agreed this morning over breakfast while Damian headed out to school, another topic I knew was going to become relevant soon. I tried not to think about that one honestly.

Alfred had me put on a tank top and some shorts, I noted the widening of his eyes when he saw my arms, despite my healing there were still some pretty angry looking scars. He calmed down quickly though and began setting up his supplies on a small table he'd brought in.

I kicked my feet against the bed gently, my eyes watching the back of my foot hit against the mattress and bounce back with a bit more force.

"So the tattoo," I glanced over, Alfred's eyes were focused on his tools, but it seems he hated the silence as much as I usually did. "What's it all mean?" I looked down at my arm, the black ink a distinct contrast against my skin. "I figure the trident is for your father, but the line? And the letters?"

I stopped kicking my legs. "While I was at that other camp I mentioned, they uh, well they all get tattoos there to signal how many years they've been there. It's uh, it's like this necklace camp half blood makes, each bead represents another year, they each are distinct and help to tell the story of each camper." he hummed, some clinking of metal interrupting the conversation. I looked back up to see he'd finished placing everything in its place.

"Oh, may I see yours?" I nodded, placing my hand underneath the beads to lift them up so it was easier for Alfred to see. He looked at them intently before smiling. "They're lovely."

I nodded. "A couple of them were made by some of the younger campers who were a bit excited to make me a present." He smiled fondly.

"That's quite sweet of you." I shrugged.

"I suppose. Sometimes though it's just better to give the kids something to look forward to." I smiled as I stared at the beads until I remembered I'd left these same kids behind.

"You okay?" I looked up quickly, Alfred's brows had furrowed as he was pulling on his gloves.

I nodded quickly, dropping the beads as they fell back against my neck.

"Yeah I'm okay, just thinking about the kids." Alfred nodded slowly.

"It's quite funny how you ended up in this family. I believe this runs beyond a simple coincidence, though I know there is nothing to prove otherwise." I tilted my head slightly. Alfred smiled as he pulled out a tool meant to go in my ear. "I simply mean that it seems like the Wayne name only ever brings curious people around. It's amazing how it managed to work its magic once more with you, though I'm quite glad it did." I smiled warmly as Alfred pulled back from my ear and grabbed a stethoscope, placing the small black buds in his ears. "Now take deep breaths okay?" I nodded.

I took deep breaths, the cold metal causing me to jolt slightly as it pressed against my skin. Alfred smiled, going to turn me before placing the metal against my back.

He stepped back with a pleasant expression. "I'm surprised. You are quite healthy. Bruce goes through much less and comes back with quite a few more broken ribs than you do on the average night." I huffed.

"I think we'd be in the same boat if it were not for my powers." Alfred's eyebrows raised.


"Water heals me. It's why I have scars yet no open wounds." Alfred looked over my arms, seemingly only realizing that fact now.

"I see. Quite a useful skill huh?" I laughed.

"You have no idea." He continued his check up before he finally got to looking over my scars.

"The tissue is definitely healed," He said quietly, running a gentle finger over a particularly bad scar on my arm. It was one I'd gotten from a claw I think. "But it's healed improperly." I felt my lips pull back a bit into a grimace. "They're much better than some I've seen on the leaguers though so I won't complain." Alfred said with a small smile. "Are there any more big ones?" I nodded, turning around and lifting my shirt slightly to reveal the wounds on my back. Annabeth herself had commented on how bad these were.

This time I didn't have the luxury of seeing Alfreds expression but I knew it wasn't very happy.

"Percy, I'm going to touch your back okay? Don't be shocked." I hummed, his hand gently gliding over the wounds. "I have another question." I nodded. "Would you be opposed to talking with a therapist?" he asked quietly.

I paused for a moment. I'd never really thought of talking to a therapist, I mean I couldn't exactly talk about poseidon or monsters without getting sent to a mental asylum.

"I don't think that's really possible, what with my problems relating usually to monsters and greek myth-"

"I mean going to sessions with one of the leaguers Percy." I turned slightly to see Alfred looking at me. "The younger kids in the teen titans have been using one of the Justice League members as a therapist for years, she's already informed on all this." I hesitated a moment.

"I...Am not opposed." Alfred gave me a small smile.

"Then how about I set up an appointment with you two in the upcoming months? Does that sound okay?" I nodded. "You can have it here at the house or at a more secluded place if you don't feel comfortable here."

"Here is okay." I said, turning back around. "I don't really have much to hide." Alfred hummed.

The appointment lasted only a bit longer before Alfred said I was okay to go. He wanted me to apply a cocoa butter cream he would be buying me from now on every night to the worse looking scars. I agreed but was glad to get out of the appointment.

I spent the rest of the day with Alfred, the two of us cleaning the house together like we used to.


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