Chapter 15

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----------------Jason's POV: -------------------

Percy walked quietly and cautiously beside us, opting to walk a reasonable distance away from us as she kept her gaze pointed to the ground. Bruce hadn't made a move to ask her anything but I on the other hand was itching to know what had happened to Sally. 

I looked over to Percy, it was only now that I could spot the scar running up the side of her chin, and the thin yet prominent line planted in the middle of her throat, almost as if someone had held a knife up to it. 

What had happened to my baby sister?

"Do you like burgers?" My head turned to Bruce, his voice the fluffiest I've ever heard which was a scare within itself. I turned back to Percy to see her nod, her composure still was one of fear and even embarrassment. "Good, I know just the place then, it should only be a block more." 

We continued walking silently until we reached the big belly burger, the cheesy sign barely lit up. Bruce looked over to Percy who just stared up at the sign. His eyes met mine and I could see them dim, almost warning me that things might not get any better from here. I nodded once just as Percy turned to look at us. 

"Let's go on in, and feel free to order anything you want, it's on us today." Percy's eyes almost lit up like a kid in a candy store before she nodded, quickly walking inside to scope out the menu. I went to follow her but Bruce's extended arm stopped me, hitting me in the stomach as my attention turned back to him. "You sure her mother's alive?" he asked, an eyebrow raised, his voice dark and threatening. 

"She said so when she last visit, it's not like I'd seen her for years, you should know this," I said, pushing his arm away from me. 

"I don't know everything about you Jason, you should know this better than anyone." He said, but the way he said it made it sound like a bold lie, a contradiction. 

"Right." I pushed past him and walked inside, finding Percy staring intensely at the menu as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. If I were anyone else I'd think she was making a tough decision but I knew she was dyslexic, this was just her trying to figure out what it all said. I stood beside her and began reading things aloud, but quiet enough that you would have to get in close to hear. Percy didn't say anything as I read, instead choosing to stay quiet as she listened. 

When I finished reading off the menu she took a deep breath before turning to me, "Thanks Jason." her voice was quieter than when we were at the apartment, yet she sounded better. I smiled and nodded. 

"Of course Percy" We walked up to the center with Bruce, and the three of us each put in our order, with Percy getting a double cheeseburger with a large fry and chocolate milkshake. Then we went to go sit at a table while the food was getting prepared. Once we sat I knew immediately that Bruce had gone into interrogation mode.

"So you know Damien from school huh?" Percy's face soured as she nodded. Something sensitive to do with Damien? 

"Yeah, we met on the first day of school, he got into a fight and I just helped out a bit, it was no biggie really." Damien had mentioned the fight to us, but he tried not to make a big deal out of it. It had been strange at the time but I think this could be a reason why. 

Bruce nodded. "That's good, I'm glad Damien could find some reliable friends." He said, smiling slightly, Percy looked towards the counter as if wanting the conversation to end. I barely managed to catch her mumble. 

"-tell him that" Had something happened between the two? I mean sure when I'd picked up Damien he'd been a bit feistier than usual, but when was he not a brooding and upset mess? But now with Percy being so touchy on the subject, maybe something had happened between the two. 

"How about we drop it?" Bruce said lightly, Percy nodded, turning back to face us. "So I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but that man, who was that?" Percy immediately tensed, her hands going directly for her pocket as she blinked rapidly for a second before calming. 

"That was my uh... My stepdad, Gabe Ugliano." I would've laughed at his last name had it not been for her reaction to the mere mention of the dude. "Mom married him a while back and Gabe...well he's not been right since the marriage. Dropped the whole sweet and doting husband the moment the ring went on her finger. Mom had promised she'd leave him soon." Percy put her hands on the table, clenching them tightly. "She promised."  Her voice broke mid-sentence as she took in careful deep breaths. 

We sat in silence for a while, and in the middle of it one of the workers dropped our food off at the table. We ate in silence, and I watched as Percy silently inhaled the food, acting as if we'd take it away from her soon. All I could think was that I desperately wanted to know what had happened to her while I'd been gone and give her a big hug. 

Without warning, Bruce spoke once more. "Is your mom alive?" Percy paused, freezing mid-bite. She breathed carefully as she swallowed, lowering her burger. "if she is we need to talk with her, if not-" Percy's eyes flickered to him, tears clung carefully to her eyes. He paused before continuing. "if not, we can take you in, you belong with Jason, I'm sure we can work something out with your stepfather." Percy looked between me and Bruce, a small tear rolling down her face. 

At that moment I knew everything I needed to know. Sally, the woman who I viewed as my mother, was dead, and Percy, my dear little sister, was stuck with the scum of the earth man, Gabe. And I'd not been there to help any of it. 

But I could help now. 

"Percy, you could have somewhere safe, with siblings who love you, a secure place to rest at night. I promise that everything will be okay if you just come with us." I spoke with hope, keeping the deep hurt from my voice at learning of Sally's death. Right now, I needed to get Percy somewhere secure. Percy looked at me, her eyes searching through mine for the smallest hint of a lie, something to run from. 

Then more tears came, and she shook her head, lowering it closer to the table as her body heaved. "She not-" She stopped herself, placing a hand over her mouth. "Please get me away from him," she mumbled. I didn't stop myself as I stood up, getting into the seat beside Percy and pulling her into a tight hug. For someone so thin she had a lot of power as she gripped me close, her shaking body accompanying the tears and small sobs. 

I could only hold her close as she cried. My sister was going to be safe. I may not have been there then, but I sure as shit would be there now. Nothing could stop me, not even death. 


We drove home in the back of the limo, Percy leaning carefully against my shoulder as she watched the scenery out the window. But instead of following her gaze, I looked toward Bruce, his eyes communicating everything I needed to know. 

We were gonna lock Gabe Ugliano behind so many bars he'll wish he were in hell. 


1317 words

Another dumb question, but do you guys want to know what songs I listen to while I write? I know some people struggle with motivation and maybe this could help to spark some ideas or moods? I'm not sure but I've seen a few other artists do this and it occasionally leads me to some new music that I end up liking. Anyways, sorry for the dumb question, I hope you all have an amazing morning, day, or night! 


((If you were curious about this one it was "The way I am" {Charlie Puth} and "Runaway" {AURORA}))

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