Chapter 52

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————— Percy's POV: —————

I hadn't noticed the way time flew by until I was sitting in the room I'd had found myself in only inside my dreams.

The courtroom.

My mind couldn't help but flash to the last time I was in court. It was when Jason had left.

Beside me sat Bruce's lawyer, on the other side was Jason who the judge had allowed to sit beside me. Across the room I could feel Gabes presence, his glares were like dull knives poking into my skin.

The judge in front of me talked in between each of the lawyers. When I'd walked in I'd recognized Gabe's lawyers as one or his old gambling buddies from back in New York.

The week had already been ruined when I found four of the people in the jury to be Gabes friends as well. That had required a few days recess in order to find new jury people.

But here we were, no friends in the room besides Gabe's lawyer.

I didn't pay much attention, as I stared emptily at the witness stand as Gabe tried everyone he knew to falsify my claims. Luckily my neighbors from New York were willing to testify for me so all their claims were rebuked and already my lawyer had them on the claim of unsafe living conditions.

On the third day was when my testimony was required. I stood up cautiously, walking slowly as I went up to take a seat beside the judge. I was sworn in and then it began.

I gave my story, I told the court everything that happened from how my mom met him, to their relationship, to the fact they were together for me, then to her murder, followed by his constant forms of abuse towards me. The court was quiet, and I didn't dare look at anyone in the room as I kept my eyes on my hands which rung together in my lap.

When I was finished a heavy air lingered in the courtroom, even the judge beside me refused to look in my direction for a moment, her blinking fast as she took heavy breaths.

Then cross examination came, and Gabe's friend tried everything he could to try to tear down my testimony, including attempting to claim I'd came onto Gabe.

The judge yelled at him for that one, threatening to throw him out of the room altogether. I almost cheered for her. When we were finished I quickly ducked out of the stand, but before I could leave my eyes landed on the one man I'd been avoiding, Gabe.

He looked rough to say the least, bruises littered his body and I found more than a few bandages covering cuts. He looked like a fat Goblin who'd just came out of battle. It would've been a reassuring sight if he wasn't up next.

I watched as he walked up to the stand, his voice gruff and nasally as he took a seat in the same chair I'd just been in.

Then the testimony began. His story was sloppy at best, he claimed he loved my mother, that she'd fallen and hit her head and he'd done everything in his power to take care of me. He said he'd loved me. I almost yelled at him for that, but Jason put a warm hug to my back to keep me grounded.

His woe is me story died the moment my lawyer put up images of my body, the photos of my arms and legs covered in scars, my back which held some of the most gruesome looking scars, and my legs. Gasps rang out across the room. His lawyer stared at the photos in shock and I swear I watched his confidence drain straight from his body.

By the end of a week long trial, I sat anxiously in my chair, Jason sat close beside me as we waited for the verdict. The jury came back out, taking a seat back on their side of the room as they looked to the judge. A few of the older members looked to me with what I could only describe as love.

When the Judge opened her mouth she began a long speech about how people like Gabe ruin our society, how I deserved better, how she hoped I'd grow to be okay. Once she finished, she sentenced him to 18 months, the highest sentence in Jersey, for child abuse, to 25 years for another crime, and 30 years for the murder of my mother. It was only then that I leaned forward and looked over at Gabe. His face said it all. He would die in prison.

Tears rolled out my eyes at the realization, my world spun as so many emotions came over me, the only thing keeping me from probably passing out was Jason's strong hands on my shoulders, a smile clear on his face.

I watched as the security guards came in, and unceremoniously cuffed and removed Gabe. The judge addressed me personally, and then it was done. My personal hell was finished.

Out in the hallway everyone hugged me, my body being crushed by everyone as they cried quietly in victory. I only joined them, sobbing quietly as the relief washed over me.

For the rest of the day I was pretty sure I just cried, unable to stop the tears of relief. My family stuck close, we watched movies, played games, and celebrated.

My nightmare was over.

914 words.

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