Chapter 71

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----------- Percy's POV: -------------

It's been a week since I've been going to this school and the helicopter ride over is still just as scary as it was the first day. I felt bad for Damian whose poor hand was sacrificed each morning as I held onto it for dear life.

As of now I has my eyes shut tight and was working on controlling my breathing as Damian pressed into my side, his hand holding mine gently while my fingers were holding onto him with as much strength as my restraint would muster.

"We're almost there." Damian said over to me, I nodded slightly, my hand that was on my seatbelt clenching tighter.

The only thing keeping me from completely losing my mind was the thought that I was still useful to Zeus, not to mention the other gods would at least be a bit pissed if I were to suddenly get striked midair. I prayed quietly to hestia to whoop his ass if he shot me down.

Then the feeling of falling hit my stomach and my restraint ended as my eyes snapped open and I forced myself to watch the sky, forcing myself to realize it wasn't an ashy red, it wasn't the fall with Annabeth, my breathing picked up slightly and I could feel Damian's eyes on me. I tried not to look at him now. It wasn't exactly comfortable for either of us.

When we hit the ground is when my hand unclamped, my hand hurting but surely not as much as Damian's. I quickly apologized as I had every morning before this, the two of us getting out of the helicopter as I now kept my hand at my side. I didn't like hurting Damian, but every time I was in the air, everytime I felt the feeling of falling, it seemed to mess me up. My head goes blank and the only thing I can concentrate on is the fall, is the horrible burning in my throat, the way I'd clung to Annabeth on the way down only for her to be physically ripped away from me because of those curses. A chill went down my spine at that thought.

"-ercy?" I felt myself jolt as something touched my hand. I quickly pulled away, looking up to see Damian's hurt expression.

My eyes widened and I quickly placed my hand in his. "Sorry, I'm so sorry, im sorry-" Damian shook his head, rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand.

"Percy, don't apologize...Is everything okay?" I waited for a minute. It wasn't okay. This zoning out had been happening too often lately, it was messing with my brain, and now it was messing with other people. Eventually I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I was just worried about something silly." Damian began walking again, I hadn't even realized we'd stopped. I quietly criticized myself for my carelessness. I walked beside him quietly, feeling the jitters from the helicopter leaving me now, my brain unclogging and actually beginning to work again.

"Father says your first appointment with Canary is this Friday after school, you think you can wait that long?" He asked quietly, his tone gentle, or gentle for Damian.

I nodded. "Yeah, I can wait, moving it up won't do much good anyways." He pursed his lips but didn't say anything as an excited voice called to us.

"Damian! Percy!" I turned with a small smile to see Jon running our way, his usual superman jacket pulled over his shoulders. I gave him a small wave as he jumped, placing his arm over Damian's shoulder in the process. "Good morning!"

"Morning Jon." I said with a smile. Damian let go of my hand to wrestle Jon off him.

"Get off me you oaf."

Jon faked a hurt expression and shook his head. "You must be fine as well then." The three of us resumed walking to the school, this time though Jon and Damian talked about the work they had in classes together. I was unfortunately not a part of those classes due to my joining late. They kinda shoved me in any class they could manage, but one win was Marine biology, my teacher being the best lady I'd yet to see in teaching. She was actually the perfect way to start my day being my first period and all. She gave me a glimmer of hope in the education system.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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