Chapter 35

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—————— Percy's POV: ——————

Damian had appeared back at the house by the next morning. I hadn't noticed him come in anytime when I was awake last night, so I was surprised to see him walk over to the table for breakfast with a well-rested look and eyes set on the bowl of fruit. He carefully sat down before taking a glance over at me and giving me a small nod in greeting. I merely nodded back before grabbing some pancakes and dousing them thoroughly in the blueberry syrup provided, the blue liquid glazing the perfectly toasted pancake.

Damian's appearance wasn't the only unusual thing about today, breakfast was quieter than it usually was. My hidden glances around the table displayed a group of people who refused to get to sleep on time. Steph's eyes were surrounded by dark circles, Cass looked worse, or she would if I could see her face, she currently had her arms curled underneath her head and was sleeping quietly. Tim, well Tim usually looked like this so I wasn't surprised to see him with his hands wrapped firmly around a steaming cup of coffee, his sips couldn't have been painless though with the heat it clearly radiated. I tried not to make my glance down the table at Bruce noticeable by hiding it in a sip but I couldn't help but choke on my apple juice when I noticed the medical tape running down his cheek, the edges of a bruise peaking out from below it.

Immediately everyone turned to look at me as I tried to halt my coughing which sounded too close to me choking. Tim stood up clearly panicked but I put a hand up and shook my head.

"I'm-" I coughed harder at the word and I hit my chest in an effort to force the juice down my throat. Everyone looked heavily concerned but I just held in the cough and motioned to the hallway before I got up and jogged off towards the bathroom.

I managed to get in the bathroom where I turned on the faucet and cupped my hands before bringing the water up to my mouth and taking a sip. Not my best moment but it got the job done as I felt the urge to cough die, my chest slowing it's huffing.

I wasn't expecting to see Bruce injured, in fact, I don't even know when he could've been hurt. If I'd seen a cut on his face I just would've assumed he'd cut his cheek but the tape had covered a decent length across his face, and the bruise was a signifier that this was part of a hit, not a slice. I didn't remember hearing about anyone going out last night, had something happened?

A pit formed in my stomach as a realization hit me. The whole reason I'd even stayed with Gabe to begin with.

What if a monster had gotten in?

Suddenly the pancakes weren't sitting well with me and I could feel a queasiness roll over me.

If I had caused this somehow then I needed to know.

I felt my hand inching towards my shoe where I kept a spare drachma at all times but I flinched when the loud sound of a knock came from behind me. I turned quickly just as Damian spoke up.

"Hey Percy, you okay?"

I let out a sigh as the bad feeling immediately vanished and my hands returned to the counter's edge.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for scaring you guys." I quickly shook my previous thoughts from my head as I walked over to the door before opening it. Damian stood a few steps back from the door, but his usual serious face was a ghost of its usual self, instead, I could read a hint of concern on his features.

He lightened once he saw that I was okay. I gave him a small smile as I turned down the hallway. "I'm sorry for taking you from your breakfast, come on maybe we can eat a bit-" Damian stopped me with a slight cough, I turned to him, worried the apple juice had struck again instead I found him looking at me earnestly.

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