Chapter 33

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————— Percy's POV: —————

I held on tight as Jason bobbed in between two cars, the wind rushed past my helmet in a muffled roar. Jason had given me some headphones so I could listen to music while we rode and at the moment some heavy metal song was playing in my ears not loud enough to cover the wind but loud enough to be a backtrack to the sights as we crossed a massive bridge of some water, a sense of ease rolling over me as we did so.

Over the weekend Jason had driven me everywhere on a motorcycle and while it was a bit inconvenient with a bunch of grocery bags in hand I loved every second of it, it was almost like being with Blackjack again.

Jason leaned us to the side as we turned off the bridge and onto another set of streets. We were definitely late, when we left it was 10, right now it was 12. Jason was speeding but it wasn't making us any less late.

I could tell we were getting close, I kinda sorta recognized where we were. It felt nice to know I was getting acquainted with the city.

The song changed just as we turned onto the street heading towards Bruce's mansion, I looked to the side as I watched the other multimillion dollar homes rush by us. Eventually Jason slowed as he pulled up to the gate, he dug his hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small remote. After clicking the button the gate opened and we began slowly making our way up the driveway.

As we pulled up I leaned over Jason's shoulder and at the doorsteps I spotted Alfred and Damian.

I widened my eyes at that sight. Damian looked up from his phone to watch as we approached, I watched as his angry glare lightened to a calm expression. Beside him Alfred smiled warmly.

We pulled up to a stop, the motorcycle falling to the side for a split second before Jason put his foot down. I pushed myself off the bike as I pulled off my helmet and tilted my head in confusion as Damian approached.

"Welcome home." He said with a smile, the word home filled the air with a warmth and kind of love I wasn't prepared for. It took me a moment to recover but I managed to get one thing out.

"It's late, shouldn't you be asleep?" Damian's calm demeanor dropped for a minute.

"I wait for you to come home at this ungodly hour and this is the thanks I get?" I blinked a few times before shaking my head. I was too tired, this was a kind gesture not something I should be taking for granted.

"You're right. Thanks." I gave him a smile as I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. I felt his arms wrap around me as well as I took a deep breath and the smell of gingerbread filled my nose. I smiled to myself at that thought as I took a step back.

"Percy, have you eaten?" Alfred cut in, looking over to Jason who got off his bike and walked over.

"I did, it's part of the reason we were late." I said. What had really happened was we were eating dinner and got lost in a movie and when we checked the time again it was a bit too late and we were rushing.

"Good." Alfred finally responded. "But it's a school night so we should get you to bed." I nodded but turned back to Jason first.

I gave him a tight hug. "Don't have too much fun without me- and don't you dare watch our shows without me!" I half yelled but he laughed in response as he lifted me up midhug, my feet dangling for a moment.

"I promise. Get some rest and I'll see you next weekend." I nodded giving him one final squeeze and hearing him let out a grunt at the pressure before he set me back down.

"Goodnight Jason!"

"Night Percy." I waved as I walked back over to Damian. The two of us turned around as we began walking to the house.

"Fun?" Damian asked with a bit of disbelief sewn into his voice. "What did you two do??" He asked.

I smiled as I shrugged. "We hung out, watched a ton of movies and had good food. Nothing too exciting." Damian shook his head.

"I don't think I'd be able to deal with his cigarette smoke all the time, but-"

"Jason didn't smoke, not even once." I cut him off, a bit of anger in my voice. I didn't like the turn this conversation was taking. Damian turned back to me and a look of slight regret rose to his face as he put his hands up.

"Sorry, that was uncalled for. Jason and I aren't the best of friends so excuse me. I'm glad that he didn't smoke around you, he must be better than I thought." I nodded.

"He was great Damian, so seriously, let's just chill alright?" Damian watched me for a moment before nodding.

"Fine. I'm just happy you had a good time, I didn't get an emergency call and that's something to celebrate." I smiled as I relaxed a bit more, the two of us now heading up the stairs.

"You didn't have to wait for me, you know." I mumbled as we turned to walk down the hall. Damian took a moment to respond.

"I don't mind. I'm usually up late anyways so it felt better to wait for you than be unproductive." I laughed, his face turning to me with obvious confusion written on it.

"Sorry, it's just, it's hard to imagine you doing anything unproductive, it's almost unimaginable." Damian scoffed.

"You're right, I shouldn't have waited for you." I smiled a bit wider as I shoved him lightly.

"Don't lie, you're happy you did." I said, sarcasm strong in my voice. Damian turned to me with a small smile.

"You're right, I am." His words were too serious of a response. I felt myself shake myself off as we appeared at his door.

"Goodnight Damian. Try to get some sleep." Damian nodded.

"You as well. Maybe we can also have a show to watch together as well." He pulled me in for a surprise hug, one I wasn't expecting but happily returned before he stopped, gave me a wave and disappeared into his room.

I felt a small warmth blossom on my face as I stared like an idiot at the door for many seconds too long. At the realization I quickly sucked in a short breath my hands going into automatic fists as I quickly rushed back down the hall and into my room where I hid in the closet.

I couldn't wash off my smile and the heat lingered on my cheeks even as I got changed, brushed my teeth, and laid back in bed.

As I laid down to sleep I couldn't help but be excited for what show I'd watch with Damian.

1189 words

The Demigod and The RobinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora