Chapter 1

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I pressed my earbuds into my ears, closing my eyes. The amount of times I'd done this were quite high as I tried to ignore the moans of my roommate. Coupled with his low groans were the whimpers of some random girl he'd brought home with him.

I turned on my back, pressing play on the first song I saw. Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran.

As the first of the lyrics filtered into my brain, I sighed. I wondered why I'd even accepted being Ren's roommate. It was obvious the moment I'd met him that he'd be a playboy. He had the build of one - a hot body, muscles on every part imaginable, and perfect, luscious hair. I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock.


A small groan escaped my lips. Of course. They'd been at it all night. When the fuck where they going to stop? In the meantime, I decided I'd do some research.

I turned and grabbed my computer from my bedside table, typing in my password. Yawning, I opened a new tab and entered, the best way to humiliate your roommate.

I grinned despite myself. Maybe tomorrow would be fun after all.


I raised an eyebrow as Ren exited his room, his shirt disheveled. The girl had left at around 7, and it was now 8:42. When he saw me, he grinned.

"Good morn-"

"What's her name?" I interrupted. "Is it another Rylee? Or Samantha? Or is it finally something creative, like Lilyanne?"

Ren sighed. "Sorry, dude. Women are hot...maybe if you weren't so caught up in cocks-"

"I am not caught up in cocks!" I exclaimed, ears flaring red. Ren smirked, then raised his hands, surrendering. I turned sharply, grabbed a plate, and tossed three pancakes on it. When Ren noticed the food, his eyes sparked greedily.

"You made pancakes?"

I scoffed. "No, I made waffles. There's a difference, y'know."

Ren waved his hand dismissively, and I huffed. As I sat down, I began to shovel the food into my mouth, determined to finish as quickly as possible. Ren noticed, and he leaned casually back in his chair, plate stacked with 5 pancakes.

"What's the rush?"

I chewed a bit more, attempting to empty my mouth of food before talking. I swallowed hard, then replied, "Job interview."

Ren nodded. "Forgot," he said, then began eating his own pancakes.

As he reached for the syrup, I got up and placed my dishes in the dishwasher. I turned on my heel and dashed into my room, changing into my best clothes. I also tried to make myself look a bit sexier, opening two buttons at the top of my collared shirt, loosening my tie a bit, and mussed up my hair.

I left my room, trying to pull my pants up, when I heard a quiet, sharp inhale. I glanced at Ren, and I saw him surveying my body - particularly below my torso. I grinned crudely, and turned slightly to give him a better view.

He flushed, then bowed his head and finished his breakfast. As he turned to put away his dishes, he stumbled a bit, ears red. I laughed, shook my head, and left our apartment, heart much lighter than it was earlier.


"Guess who finally has a god damn job!"

Ren glanced up from the couch and grinned widely. In his hand he clutched a book: The Boy at the Top of the Mountain.

I frowned. "I thought you didn't like books like that."

Ren shrugged. "Well, you did, and I figured I'd like what you do since I like you so much."

I rolled my eyes, sure it was just playful flirting. But a part of me was stuck on the part where he admitted to liking me. When I turned again, he'd tossed the books on the side and stretched. 

Ren yawned, then asked, "So what job did you get again?"

"A bartender," I replied, unbuttoning my shirt. I tossed it on the side as Ren stood and crossed to the kitchen.

As he poured himself some water, he mused, "Bartender? Really?"

"Hey," I laughed, "it only takes a little bit of skin to get a lotta bit of tips."

Ren shrugged. "Guess so. Old men again?"

I raised my hands defensively. "Old men are rich, and gullible. They'll take whatever pleasure they can get in their time. And besides, they tip well."

As Ren plopped next to me on the couch, I snatched the remote and turned on the TV. The first thing that popped up was one of my favorite childhood shows: Nina Has To Go. I know it's super stupid, but the show itself was hilarious. Ren gave no objection as he got comfy next to me in the cushions, so I left the show on and snuggled into his warm body. He let out a little noise of surprise, but he eventually wrapped his arms around my shoulder and held me close.

As we watched, I felt myself getting tired. Ren must've noticed as I let out a huge yawn, and he laughed softly. I glanced up at him, annoyed. He grinned at me, and I huffed and buried my face into his chest.

He shifted slightly, trying to make me as comfortable as possible, and as I fell asleep, I felt his warm lips press softly against my head.

That night, he filled my dreams to the brim.



Ren and I startled awake.

We scrambled to get up, faces red. "I swear, Rebecca, we weren't doing anything," I stuttered.

My sister stood in front of the door, arms crossed, nostrils flaring. "This...has got to stop, Ren. I'm serious. It's getting weird."

Ren tried to laugh it off, but my sister wouldn't leave him alone. "Could you like not hit on my brother? After all, he can do better than a slut like you."

Ren was used to this insult, and I rolled my eyes as they started a banter as old as time. He raised a hand to his chest, pretending to be insulted. I mouthed along with every word they spoke, used to this conversation. It had happened every night since I'd moved in with Ren.

"Why, I never," Ren huffed.

Rebecca snapped back angrily. "Never what? Obviously you've never heard of once-off. It means once and once only."

"Oh, come on," Ren complained, "We've been doing this since, like, fifteen years ago! Get a grip!"

Rebecca scoffed, but even she had started to smile, as familiar with this as I was. "You've also seen fifteen million different pairs of titties surrounding that one-inch-pinch of yours."

Ren tried to keep a straight face but failed royally. The duo burst out laughing. I shook my head. I didn't really understand what was so funny about that, but I guess it's one of those "if you know, you know."

I yawned and turned, snatching clothes and heading into the bathroom.

"Aye, wait for me!" Ren joked at my retreating back. I held up my middle finger, and my sister's laugh mingled with his complaints.


I'm so sorry for all the time skips-

I got really lazy and I had writers block for the past, like, one million years so...anyways, if you haven't already, please follow my friends:

@Akane_Lani + @gayforPiperMcLean

it would mean so much for me and them. Anyways, have a good day, my sunflowers ❤❤❤

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