Chapter 10

532 11 10

Ren's POV

As I shut the door behind me, I squeezed my eyes tight, but a few tears still managed to slip through. I took a few shuddering breaths before walking into my own room and collapsing in my bed.

I turned over and stared at the roof as the tears came faster. 

I'm so foolish.

Why did I have to be this way? Why did we have to be this way? What in the world did we do that made us deserve this. I pressed the heels of my hands to my eyes and groaned. "Oh, Leon..." I whispered, "What the hell do we do? Kylen's absolutely broken without you, and for once I'm trying to be the strong one, but I fear I'm just as broken as he is. Please, come back..."

I sniffed, and suddenly, a warm hand lighted onto my elbow. My eyes popped open and I gasped and sat up. "Leon?"

But no one was there. I looked around in confusion, then sighed and flopped back down into bed. I curled up underneath my blanket, suddenly cold, and glanced outside at the sun as gray storm clouds began rolling in. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but as the rain fell, I swear I heard Leon's deep voice murmur something like a warning.


When I woke up, it was late in the afternoon. Groggy, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and got up, yawning loudly. I stumbled out into the kitchen, my stomach growling, and paused when I saw Kylen.

It was the first time since Leon had died that I'd seen him out of his room.

He was wearing a really baggy hoodie, and I flushed and averted my eyes when I realized that was the only thing he was wearing.

He didn't look up when I walked past and grabbed the things I needed to eat. He kept his eyes on the ground as I sat in front of him. I noticed that he had a bowl of cereal before him, and my heart lifted a bit. 

"I'm glad your eating," I said softly. Kylen turned his head slightly in my direction, nodded a tiny nod, then went back to staring at the floor. That's when I saw the clean spoon in his hand. I sighed. Never mind.

I began eating, and Kylen stayed absolutely still the whole time. It was pretty awkward, but seeing him sad made me feel terrible, and I slowly started losing my appetite. I shoved down one more spoonful of the now soggy cereal, then took my bowl to the sink. I hesitated, then reached for Kylen's untouched cereal. As soon as I touched the rim, Kylen grabbed my hand.

Startled, I tried to pull free, but his grip was iron. He gave me a piercing look. "That's for Leon," he said.

I softened. "Kylen, I'm sorry, but Leon's not-"

"It's for Leon," he repeated, louder. His grip on my arm tightened and his hand began shaking. "For when he gets home."

I frowned. "Kylen-"

He stirred again, then took both my wrists in his hands. His eyes were pleading now, desperate. "He's coming home," he whispered. "He will...just you wait."

I stared at him until his grip softened, then reached for his face. Kylen flinched, and I drew back. He looked at me again, then turned away.

"Kylen..." I waited for him to yell at me, but he just sat there, a statue once again. "Kylen, Leon isn't coming back. I want him to just as much as you do, but you have to understand, Leon isn't coming back. But like you said, he's in a better place now."

"That's what everyone says," he replied, voice hollow. "They always say that they go to a better place. But do they really? Because if they go to a better place, why is everyone so afraid to die?"

He looked at me then, his eyes scared, but with a terrible, twisted hopefulness in them. "Why am I so afraid to die?"

I inhaled sharply.

"I don't wanna die...that night I tried to kill myself...I was terrified, but does it really matter how scared I am if only I could see him? Jut one more look...before I go to Hell."

He fell silent, then curled in on himself and began crying. Unsure, I carefully wrapped my arms around him and he leaned into my embrace. I patted him gently on the head, softly whispering sweet nothings into his hair until he cried himself to sleep in my arms.

When I was sure he'd drifted off, I took him into my arms and carried him to bed. Mine, of course. I'd already told him that he would sleep with me. When I placed him down, his hoodie shifted. I coughed and hurriedly turned away. Rushing to his room, I grabbed him a pair of underwear, but as I was leaving, I noticed a glint of silver beneath his bed.

I got on my knees and grabbed it.

My mouth fell open and my heart filled with dread.

It was a knife. But it wasn't because of the knife that I began feeling scared. It was because of the note that was attached to it.

If you want to see me again, kill Ren. He'll never let you go. He wants you all to himself. But I promise, if you kill Ren, then we'll be together for all of eternity.


Quiet footsteps crept up behind me.

I turned and stared in horror as Kylen, a twisted expression clear on his face, raised a steak knife high above his head.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand cue the cliffhanger <3

love you my darlings! thanks for all the support and I LOVE YOU GUYSSSSSS 

plus, ik, my chapters are getting shorter and shorter, but I promise that my new story, A Royal Pain in the Ass will have much longer chapters. also, they move a lil fast, but hey! they're gay

like me :)

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